Understated Rainbow Collection
The Understated Rainbow Planner started its life as the 2016 dated calendars. It was the first design I created with more than three colours. I wanted to make something bold and colourful but not too overwhelming to the eyes. The result was a monochromatic design that used six different colours.
Almost every printable I made to match this design comes in the same six colours, so your planning pages can match each calendar month. I even used it for all the planning printables in the From Scattered to Sane series.
Little did I know that this design would become one of the most popular ones here on Scattered Squirrel. So much so that it’s making a comeback for the 2022 calendar year.

How This Collection is Organized
There are a LOT of printables in this collection. Most of the printables have six versions and that adds up after a while. To make them easy to browse I’ve organized them into sections based on how I set up a planner.
Each section will have a gallery where you can just click the image to get the printable. Under the galleries, there will be links to the posts you can find the printables in. The posts give you a closer look at some of the printables. And some of those posts have printing instructions, most especially with the dated calendars. Those posts will be clearly marked.
If you know what kind of printables you need, use the Table of Contents below to jump to the different sections.
I hope you enjoy looking through the printables in this collection. Better yet – I hope you find some that will fit your planning needs.
The Understated Rainbow Collection
The monthly calendar is a vital building block of any planner. It is the foundation that makes both long-term and short-term planning a breeze. If you’d like to find out more about how I build my planners you can check out this post – Where Does Your Planner Start – for more insight into why I think all planners should include a monthly calendar of some sort.
In the calendar galleries, I grouped the calendars by year and then start day. So the first three are the Sunday start 2022 Calendars, followed by the Monday start, and then it repeats for the Academic calendars.
Letter Size 2022 Calendars
Half Letter Size 2022 Calendars
Letter Size 2021-2022 Academic Calendars
Half Letter Size 2021-2022 Academic Calendars
You can check out the posts that all of the monthly calendars are in by clicking the links below. If you’re using the half letter size calendars, I strongly recommend checking out the posts for the printing instructions. They’re a little different than my usual half-size ones.
- 2022 Calendars – Printing Instructions for half letter size are in this post.
- 2021-2022 Academic Calendars – Printing Instructions for half letter size are in this post.
Letter Size Undated Two Pages Per Month Calendars
Letter Size Undated Single Page Per Month Calendars
Half Letter Size Undated Two Pages Per Month Calendars
Half Letter Size Undated Single Page Per Month Calendars
Undated calendars can be a very versatile planning tool. There are so many different ways you can use them. To check out the post these were originally shared in, just click the link below.
Yearly Planners
Coming Soon
Monthly Planners
Monthly planning pages are a great way to pre-plan your months. They allow you to note upcoming events, prioritize your tasks, and plan your goals for the month. While they’re not necessarily needed in a planner, I find them really helpful for giving an overview of what’s coming up throughout the year. And they allow me to keep my calendar months uncluttered.
Letter Size Monthly Planners
Half Letter Size Monthly Planners
You can find the monthly planner posts linked below. These were created as part of the From Scattered to Sane series, and have been an invaluable tool to me when it comes to keeping overwhelm at bay.
Weekly PLanners
If a monthly calendar is the foundation of a planner, the weekly planner is the structure. This is where the magic happens. A weekly planner allows you to map out your time in more detail.
Not only does it offer the room to plan your week, but it allows you to see where you have busy days and where you have slow days. This in turn allows you to see when you might be overcommitting or where you have room for lunch with a friend.
The weekly planners in the galleries below are divided into two pages per week and single page per week to make it easier for you to navigate to what you need. As with the calendars, I’ve grouped the galleries by start day, beginning with Mondays.
Letter Size Two Pages Per Week Planners
Half Letter Size Two Pages Per Week Planners
You’ll find the posts for these printables linked below. You might have noticed that there was only one image for the Sunday Start planners. This is because when this collection first came about hardly anyone was using Sunday start weekly planners.
Those are a new addition this year and rather than having 6 files to save I combined them all into one, easy to grab, file. My suggested printing instructions are included in their post.
- Sunday Start Weekly Planners – Printing Instructions for both half and letter are in this post.
- Weekly Planner Printables
- Half-Size Weekly Planner Printables
Letter Size Horizontal Week on A Page Planners
Half Letter Size Horizontal Week on a Page Planners
Letter Size Weekly Overviews
Half Letter Size Weekly Overviews
Letter Size Weekly To-Do Planners
Half Letter Size Weekly To-Do Planners
- Letter Size Sunday Start Horizontal Weekly Planners
- Letter Size Monday Start Horizontal Weekly Planners
- Half Letter Size Sunday Start Horizontal Weekly Planners
- Half Letter Size Monday Start Horizontal Weekly Planners
- Weekly Overview Planner
- Half-Size Weekly Overview Planner
- Weekly To Do List Printables
Daily Planners
Daily planners are wonderful tools for those who have full schedules or just like to see each day planned out on its own. I love keeping a few of these in my planner just in case I need them. Sometimes I use them for months at a time and other times I find don’t need them at all.
The collection below includes a few traditional daily planners with room for scheduling out your day. It also includes a few day planners that are task-oriented for those days where you don’t really need a schedule but do need a way to keep track of what you need to get done.
Like the other galleries above, links to the posts for all the daily planners will be at the end of this section. That way you can check out more information about them if you want to.
Letter Size Simple Daily Planner for Students
Half Letter Size Simple Daily PLanner for Students
Letter Size Simple Daily Schedule for Students
Half Letter Size Simple Daily Schedule for Students
Letter Size Simple Day Planners
Half Letter SIze Simple Day PLanners
Letter Size Daily Task List PLanners
Half Letter Size Daily Task List Planners
Letter Size Daily To-Do List Planners
Half Letter Size Daily To-Do List Planners
All of the daily planner posts are linked in the list below. The post for the Simple Day planners also includes notes pages if you’d like to turn the letter size into a Simple Day Planner with Notes.
- Simple Daily Planners for Students
- Simple Day Planner Printables
- Half-Size Day Planner Printables
- Daily Task List Planner Printables
- Daily To Do List Planner Printables
Teacher Printables
These planning pages came to life as a Reader Request. Whether you’re a teacher, a homeschooler, or just need something a little different in your planner, these pages are great to have on hand.
Letter Size Weekly Planner for Teachers
Half Letter Size Weekly Planners for Teachers
Letter Size Teacher Checklists
Half Letter Size Teacher Checklists
Check out the post in the link below to learn more.
Notes Pages
I find that it’s always nice to have some notepaper in your planner. Whether you put a few pages at the end of each section or have a dedicated notes section, having a few sheets on hand if needed is always nice.
There are two different notes/lists printables for you to choose from below.
Letter Size Note Paper
Letter Size Master To-Do Lists
Half Letter Size Master To-Do Lists
These are the printables that are not really planner pages, but they are planner related. Adding extra pages or sections is how to turn your planner into a tool that is tailored for your life. While these pages are a little basic, don’t be afraid to expand your planner by checking out the Free Printables Index for even more options.
Letter Size Extra Pages
Half Letter Size Extra Pages
Dividers and Covers
When I designed the cover pages for the 2016 calendars I purposefully made them so that they would work as dividers as well. The label box is in the bottom right corner which allows the pattern to shine. This also offers plenty of space for your to add pictures and decorations to make them your own.
Letter Size Ikat Cover Pages
Letter Size Zigzag Cover Pages
Half Letter Size Ikate Cover Pages
Half Letter Size Zigzag Cover Pages
Enjoy the Printables
I hope that you were able to find at least a few printables in this collection to fit your needs. If the Understated Rainbow design just isn’t for you, be sure to hop on over to the Printable Libraries to check out the other designs I have available.
If you have any questions about the printables here, or requests for ones to add to the collection, please feel free to send me an email or consider joining our Facebook group – The Scatter-Brain’s Guide. I’m always happy to try to help.
Until next time –
Happy Printing!!