From Scattered to Sane
Welcome to my series, From Scattered to Sane – 31 Days to Reclaim Your Life! Each day I’m going to be sharing steps, tips, tools and motivation to help you take back your time. You’ll be able to find those posts linked right here on this page. My goal with this series is to help you reclaim your life, or at the very least take back your time.
I get it! When life is full and things start slipping through the cracks we can feel as though we’ve become a slave to time and to the tasks we need to accomplish daily to keep life going. It’s a rough place to be, and if I can help even one person find their way out of that space then I’ll consider this series a success.

Many people struggle with figuring out the best way to manage their time. No matter how hard we try, things seem to slip through the cracks. I’m still on my own journey to finding the best way to do this for myself and my family. In this series, I’m sharing the system I use to help keep me on track as well as a little more of my story.
You see, I used to think there was something wrong with me, that I was missing some key component everyone else seemed to have. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me, I just knew that something had to be. My journey to better manage my time has been a long one, and it may still be ongoing, but I’ve learned many things along the way.
Perhaps the biggest and most heartwarming of those lessons was that I was not alone, and neither are you! No matter where you are on your own journey, you are NOT alone, and there is hope that things will get better. I’m going to show you how.
Let’s get started shall we?
Navigating the From Scattered to Sane Series
I’m a big believer in doing what works best for you. While I think the series is best followed in order, I also understand that this format doesn’t work for everyone. With that in mind, the following days are the days I considered critical to helping establish a system that will help you take back your time and reclaim some calm in your life.
- Day 1 – An Introduction
- Day 2 – Where to Start?
- Day 3 – Just Three Things
- Day 4 – The Importance of a Foundation Routine
- Day 6 – Set Yourself Up for Success
- Day 8 – Simple Day Planner Printables or Day 9 – Half-Size Day Planners
- Day 12 – Building On To Your Foundation Routine
- Day 13 – Choosing Your Weekly Top Three
- Day 14 – Making Time for You
- Day 17 – Budget Your Time
- Day 18 – Make Time for Coffee
- Day 19 – Make Time for a Weekly Planning Session
- Day 20 – Simple Weekly Planner Printables or Day 21 Half-Size Weekly Planner Printables
- Day 24 – How to Use a Master To-Do List
- Day 25 Monthly Planner Printables or Day 26 Half-Size Monthly Planner Printables
- Day 29 – Why Asking for Help is Essential
- Day 30 – Acknowledging All You Have Accomplished
- Day 31 – What Comes Next on Your Time Management Journey
All of the posts linked above are the ones I think are the most important. They either contain printable worksheets, planner printables, or information and inspiration to help you on your journey to reclaim your life, or at least take back your time.
For the best results though, I really do recommend checking out all the posts in the series. Each one was written to address a different part of the process. My hope is that together they will help you create a system that will work best for you.
Following the Whole Series
When I was writing this series I tried to strike a balance between action items and information only posts. I often find that it’s easy to zero in on the steps to take and harder to step back and look at the whole picture. For that reason, I recommend reading one post a day.
Each of the images below is linked to its respective post. All you need to do is click or tap the one you want to read.
From Scattered to Sane

Sometimes we all need a little inspiration reminder. Here are four of my favourite quotes turned into printables.

Making time to celebrate our wins is so very important. You might not see it, but you’re doing awesome!

A daily top three helped us create a foundation routine. Now, our weekly top three helps us build on it.

It’s easy to fill our days with all the things we need to do, but unstructured time is just as important.

Setting boundaries allows us to honour our priorities and not overwhelm ourselves with too much to do.

It is easy to think we have to go it alone, but the truth is, asking for help is a crucial part of reclaiming our time.
Before You Go
There’s more to taking back our time than just merely following a system. I hope that you find tips, tools, inspiration, hope, and new ideas in the posts below. Above all, I hope that this series helps you to create a system that will work to fit your unique situation.
If you want a little more or are just looking for a place to talk about where you’re at on your journey, come join us in the Facebook group. Talking with others who know what you’re going through always makes the journey a little less lonely.
If Facebook groups aren’t your preference, feel free to reach out on any of my social media channels, use the comments section on any of the posts, or send me an email. I’m happy to try to help