
Some Extra Home Management Printables You Might Find Useful

This is the last post in the Home part of the Home and Life Organized series.  I’ve shared a number of updated home management printables that you can use to create your home management binder. 

Today, I want to share a few more printables that you might find to be useful additions.  These printables haven’t been updated for this series because they’ve either been updated in the last year or they’ve just recently been shared.  Either way, I still think they make great additions to our home management systems.

A few extra printables you might want to include in your home management binder.

**Most recent update – March 16, 2025 – was to change some of the images and fix missing links to printables.**

More Home Management Printables

In addition to the printables I’ve shared so far in this series, there are a number of other ones that I know some of you might want to include in your home management binder.  

All of today’s printables can be found in other posts on the site, so I won’t be including long explanations but I will include links to their original posts for anyone who might want more information about them.  This way, you can grab the printables right from this post if you want to download them right away.

Finance Section

A finance section is a great place to keep track of a family budget, debt repayments, savings trackers and more.  Whether we like it or not, managing our money is a crucial piece to managing our homes.  Without it we can’t pay our bills, buy our groceries, or save up for those vacations.  

I find that using my finance printables helps me stay on top of where our money is going, and helps make sure we don’t forget to pay a bill.


You can find these printables in the following posts:


You can find all of these ones in the posts:

Helpful Pages

While note technically home management printables, the ones in this set are great additions to have for your home management binder.  I’ve found that having a place to keep track of addresses, passwords, and to-dos can be handy. I also really like having a master-list for different areas of our home and life, so including a couple of the master list printables, or notes pages is always something I do.


The original posts for these printables are:


One of the ways I like to use the notes pages, is to keep a few of them at the end of each section in my home management binder.  This way, as ideas pop up, or new information needs to be stored, I have a place to jot it down where it won’t get lost.

You can find these printables in their original posts:

What you included in your home management binder is completely up to you.  Some people like having a variety of lists of planning pages in theirs while others prefer to keep it simple. 

For myself, my home management binder is only part of my system, and many of my home management printables have homes in some of my other planners.  The purpose isn’t to make things complicated – it’s to create a system that works for you in helping you keep things running smoothly in your home.

This concluded the home management portion of the series.  I would love to hear what you think so far.  Drop me a line in the comments below.  If there was a printable or section you were hoping I would include but I didn’t, let me know that too!

Before You Go

Have you heard that there’s a Facebook group just for us squirrellies? Come on over and check out the Scatter-Brain’s Guide group. We chat planners, organizing, vote on designs, and, on occasion, I even share exclusive printables that you won’t find anywhere else.

It’s loads of fun and it’s free! Click the button below to check it out.

Until Next Time ~

Happy Printing!

These printables might come in handy for your home management binder.



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  1. Hi! I have to say that you’re saving my life! I’m on a strict planner budget and, while I used some of your half-size stuff a few years ago, I got away from DIYing my own planner, so I hadn’t realized how much you’d added. You literally have everything I was looking for! So the question is, are you planning on doing dated 2020 planner pages? If so, I’ll just do a few of the undated ones to get me by, but if not (and I know what a big job that is, so I totally wouldn’t blame you), I’ll print out more. Also, I was looking at your half-size holiday inserts and I noticed that it was missing the gift list page that the full size has. That would probably be my most used page in the holiday planner. I know I could make one out of grid paper or something, but it breaks up the cohesiveness of the set. Is there any way to add that in? Oh, and blog planner? LIFESAVER! Thanks for all your hard work!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Meg, thanks so much for your kind words, I’m thrilled that you are enjoying the printables. The dated 2020 calendars are live on the blog if you search 2020 using the search box on the sidebar the post will come up in the search results. All of the 2020 calendars are in one post to make it easier to find them all. Thank you for letting me know about the gift-giving printables, they are there but for some reason, their pictures are gone. I am going to reupload those images right now and get them put back into the posts and onto the Holiday Planner Printables page. Look for them to be there in a few hours. I didn’t realize they weren’t there.
      I don’t have a blog planner available at the moment. It’s something I’ve tried to make in the past but was never very happy with how it turned out. There’s so many different things bloggers track and need to plan that trying to create one became really confusing and convoluted, but I’ll add it to my list of ones to make in the New Year and see what I can come up with.

  2. LeAnn Mallow says:

    I greatly appreciate the print outs. This does help with the upcoming holidays.

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi LeAnn, I’m thrilled that you’re going to find these useful for the holidays. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me.

  3. Hi Allie, Nice to meet you toooo. i am70 scattered always been, home bound basically, and love your pplanner ideas, also I have memory loss…
    so, planning my day the night before works for me. If I dont all the skimnny objects keep me side tracked Have a nice day xoxlove your work Lacey

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Lacey, I’m so happy that you found my little site and that you’re finding the planner printables useful for you. I’m sorry to hear that you’re dealing with memory loss, that must create some very unique challenges for you. I hope that you’re having a wonderful day too!

  4. love your ideas and printable pages.

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Renee. I hope you found some that will fit your needs!

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