Student Planner Printables

Hi everyone!  Did you survive the back to school craze with your sanity intact?  So far for us, the first week has been mixed.  Liam’s school seems very chaotic right now, as the teachers are busy finishing up final class assignments.  Hopefully, they’ll be in their new classes at the end of the day today.  On the other hand, our Teen’s start of school has been smooth sailing, and yes, there were sniffles from me on the first day.  It’s not everyday your little baby starts high school. (I think I’m still in a little bit of time shock)  Yesterday was his first full day of classes, and in typical high-school fashion, he came home with homework.  Which ties in perfectly with today’s post.


A feature on where I share printables that were designed at the request of my readers.



That’s right, this one comes from one of you lovely readers.  You girls (and guys if there are any out there that read this little ole blog of mine) are the best, and being able to not just share printables with you, but to help you get the ones you want/need/have-spent-days-searching-for-but-couldn’t-find-exactly-what-you-were-looking-for, totally makes my day.  The timing of this one couldn’t be better either.  With the new school year swinging into action, those of you with middle. junior, and high school students know that homework could start getting a little crazy.  It’s not just a matter of helping our kids get their homework done, but they need a way to remember what class assigned what and when it is due.   I know this craziness well, so when “L” asked me if I could make up a half-size planner for her daughter I jumped right in.


The idea was simple, spread a week out over two pages, so there is plenty of room to write.  Find a way to keep track of assignments and due dates, and try to fit in a little room for keep track of upcoming tests, and if possible a spot for a to do list or notes.  Add in some fun colors and some pretty fonts, and you’ve got a student planner!   I had so much fun working on this one, and then I decided to have even more fun and make two!  Here’s the one I call the Girly One!


Free printable student planner, designed to help middle and high school students keep track of assignments, up coming tests, and things they need to do. |


And here’s the one that I call Boyish.


Free printable student planner, designed to help middle and high school students keep track of assignments, up coming tests, and things they need to do. |


Like I said above, it’s simple.  Each day there is space for jotting down the class, the assignment and the due date.  I opted to just do school days, so if anyone wants one with space for the weekend, let me know in the comments and I’ll see what I can do.\

As always, these are here for you to download and enjoy, just simply click the photos.  Oh and don’t forget that I’m offering Free Personalization for the Family Homecare Printable (see here) from now until September 30th, 2013.  So hop on over and fill out the form if you would like a copy of your own.

I know it’s been a little while since I’ve done a Reader Request post, but stay tuned, because this monthly feature is coming back.  (and if I get in enough requests, it might end up being a twice monthly feature)

If you need more options be sure to check out this collection of Free Printable Student Planners.

What is your favorite tip for keeping homework organized?  Does your child use a planner?



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