Two Pages Per Month 2018 Dated Calendars

I know many of you have been waiting for the two page per month dated 2018 calendars, and I’m happy to say they’re here!ย  By far, the two page per month layout is one of my favourite for monthly planning.ย  The extra room in each dated square allows me to add in extra details and makes it easier to quickly check things at a glance.ย  Scroll on down and check them out.

These 2018 dated calendars feature two pages per month in portrait layout.

2018 Dated Calendars

Every year more and more requests come in for dated calendars for the following year.ย  As a planner myself, I understand and appreciate the need to have next year’s calendar available early.ย  While I personally don’t need to plan so far in advance, I’m happy that I can make these available for anyone who does.ย  Today we’ve got the two page per month calendars to check out.ย  This is the second to last post for the 2018 dated calendars.ย  If you missed the first two you can check then out at:

Now on to the new ones.

2018 Dated Monthly Calendar - Two Pages Per MonthJust like previous years I started the monthly grid on the left page.ย  Only having four days per page really helps to create more writing room for each dated box.

2018 Dated Monthly Calendar - Two Pages Per Month

On the right hand page you’ll find the remaining days of the week as well as a column for notes.ย  The notes column is lined, just like the 2017 monthly calendars, because I got so many requests for a lined notes section.ย  I did try to make the lines a little lighter for those who prefer no lines.ย  I hope I was able to sort of meet the needs of everyone with those.

To print the fill-size version double-sided choose one of the following:

  1. If your printer duplexes (prints double-sided) go to your Print Settings and find the area where you can select which pages you want to print. Set it to 2-24.ย  Then print.ย  Once it’s done, print page one.
  2. If your printer doesn’t duplex, go to your Print Settings and find the area where you can select which pages you want to print.ย  Set it to Odd Pages and print.ย  Remove January from the stack and then flip/rotate your pages so that they’ll print on the back.ย  Then go to your Print Settings and select Even Pages and print.

If you’re new to Scattered Squirrel, to snag a copy of any of the printables for yourself, just simply click the pictures of the ones you want and the PDF version will open for you to save.ย  All of the printables are for personal use only.ย 

Half-Size 2018 Dated Monthly Calendar - Two Pages Per MonthThis half-size version is set up just like previous years, so it won’t print double-sided.ย  I typically use the back of these pages as notes/scribble pages.ย  They’re great for jotting down reminders for the following month, or even the following year.ย  At the end of the year I flip through and see if I made note of anything we might need to do, like book our eye exams or something.

Double-Sided Friendly Version

I’m working on a version of the half-size one that is set up to print double-sided for those who would like that option.ย  I ran into a few hiccups when trying to make it work right, but I think I finally got it all figured out.ย  I’m just working on how to simplify the printing and set up instructions.ย  Look for that version to be coming out in a post with a couple other new calendars later on this week!

Now It’s Your Turn?

Which calendar layout is your favourite?ย  Do you prefer the full or half-size versions?ย  Or do you like them and use them all for different reasons?ย  Drop me a line in the comments below and share your thoughts.

The two page per month 2018 dated calendars offer plenty of room for planning. They feature a column for notes on the right hand page to make it even easier to plan things out.

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  1. Denise Adams says:

    THANK YOU! For YEARS and YEARS I have struggled to find the perfect calendar for my life. I am a traveling professional with two active teenagers and we have many appointments. I love your printables. I have embraced your idea of making my planner to fit my life instead making my life fit my planner. I have printed multiple pieces to try out and find out what works for me for the year. The only thing I would suggest is adding lines to your double page monthly calendars. Some of us are so OCD we need lines. I love the single page monthly with lines, but I need more room for appointments.
    Thanks for making my life more organized. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. this is the perfect format i need, Loves the big box two page moths! but i need lines on the days. is there one you have like that? PLEASE can you do it for those of us that just have to have lines. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Vera Hari says:

    Your calendar is exactly what I have been searching for. Thank you for sharing your creation.

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      I’m so happy you like it Vera! I hope you find it helpful.

  4. Tracy Eckhardt says:

    Have the double sided half size monthly calendars been updated somewhere? I’m not seeing them, but I could just be missing them. Thank you so much!!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Tracy, no they haven’t. They’re still on my list. I’m trying to find a way to get them to print double sided without having to include complicate print and cutting instructions. I think I finally figured it out, so look for them to be coming out this weekend with some more planner printables that have been updated for 2018.

  5. Hi, I really loved using your version last year and was wondering if you could make me a version without the dashed lines. Would be willing to pay. Thank you!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Elyse,

      I can certainly do that. Send me an email and we can discuss the cost and time frame.

  6. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This half-sized 2-page monthly calendar is just what I’ve been looking for! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful work!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      I’m so happy you like it Charlene. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. this is just perfect!!! thank youuu!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      You’re very welcome. I hope you find it helpful.

  8. Why does the calendar say twenty eighteen on it when it is the year two thousand and eighteen?

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      I did it that way because that’s how we say it here in Canada. It’s been ‘Twenty’ since 2010, I’m not sure why it changed. I’ll certainly keep that in mind for future years.

  9. I love your designs and your creativity. Thank you for making these free and printable.
    I appreciate you and your kindness. Please do the 2019 soon. As an educator we plan
    far off into the future!

    Thanks and keep being awesome!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Kat, thank you so much for your sweet words. I’m thrilled to hear that you like the printables. The 2019 ones are already in the works. Be on the look out for a survey about them coming out in the newsletter and on my social media channels very soon!

  10. Thank you! I love to use these calendars for planning and tracking my garden each year. It’s nice to have the extra space within the boxes and the space for notes on the side. Also, I must be Canadian, because I have been saying “twenty-whatever” for quite a few years. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Jesse, I’m so happy you find the calendar useful for planning and tracking your garden. I never thought of using my calendar for that. lol I’m sure Canadians aren’t the only ones who say it that way, but it’s nice to know I’m alone. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Anxiously waiting for the half size double-sided calendar!!!! I am a newbie when it comes to organization and your site sure is making it easy!!!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Tracy, they are coming. I haven’t forgotten, things have just been really off here for the last few months. I’m hoping to get them out very soon. Thank you so much for your patience.

  12. Any prediction as to the release of the 2019 calendars, specifically the 2-page design. I love love love your calendars!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Meg, yes I do – end of April beginning of May is when they’re coming out. I’ll be publishing a blog post and sending out a newsletter about them very soon because I’m doing something a little different this year.

      1. Aubree Lovaas says:

        Love the two page calendars! Cant wait for the 2019 calendars!

  13. Aubree Lovaas says:

    Love the two page calendars! Cant wait for the 2019 calendars!

  14. Becky Hoover says:

    Cannot wait for 2019 calendars….I use several throughout my house and for my Tupperware business. I love the two page ones for my day planner…I just print them on my favorite paper and have a customized planner like no other!!! Thank you for your time!!!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      I’m thrilled that you like and use the calendars Becky! I love hearing that the printables are filling a need for people. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Pam Crawford says:

    These awesome! As a teacher I use calendars like this daily! I greatly enjoy not having to buy a new calendar. But I do wonder if there is editable 2 page organizer. Its approaching the end of this school year and I’m planning next year.

  16. Hi,

    Are you going to have 2019 monthly calendar printables soon? just like this one?

  17. Hi, just came across ur site as ur 2-page monthly calendars caught you eye! Was wondering if you had these to fit a “personal size” planner? If possible, please email me at my email address below. Thank you so much!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Maria, unfortunately, I don’t have these available in Personal size. The dated calendars usually just come out in half and full size because of how much time they take to make. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help.

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