January’s Reader Requests – Three New Printables for You
Please give a warm welcome back to one of my favourite monthly features – Reader Requested! I love these posts because it’s when I take your requests and turn them into printables for you. And I’m thrilled to be bringing it back.
This month we’re going to kick it all off with three printables, a weekly to-do list, a cheque register, and a printable tracker. That last one is brand new and I can’t believe it’s I never thought of making something like it sooner.
Come on down and check them all out.

What is Reader Requested?
Reader Requested is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the feature series where I make and share printables that have been requests by readers like you. It’s a series that I used to do more regularly and then it kind of tapered off. When I sat down to think about what kinds of content I wanted to share this year – this series was the first thing on my list.
I love making printables to share with all of you. What started as making printables to fit my needs and sharing them morphed into also creating printables that seemed like they might be useful, even if I didn’t have a current need for them. That lead to me wanting to make printables that would actually fit your needs.
The Reader Requested feature post will be published once a month and will include 3-5 printables. Some of them may be existing printables with a few changes made to them, others will be brand new.
How to Submit Your Requests
The easy answer – anywhere you follow me. It’s true – I make note of printable requests wherever I see them. So in the blog comments, on my social media channels, and emailed requests.
I also have a dedicated post in the Scatter-Brain’s Guide Facebook group where you can share your requests.
Or you can fill out the Printable Request form by clicking the button below.
When you make a request, the more details you can give me the better. That way I have a better chance of making your printable as close to what you need as possible.
The only requests I do not accept are those asking me to copy another planner or printable. And while I would love to make all the requests that come in, I can’t guarantee that I will get to them all.
Now that they housekeeping part is concluded, let’s check out the new(ish) printables.
January’s Reader Requests
I’m kicking off the year with requests that have been on my list for a while now. The printables in this post are a mix and match of planners and trackers and a great example of the different things you can request.
Rainbow Weekly To-Do List Only
This first request came from the comments section here on the blog. She wondered if I could make a change to the Rainbow Weekly Overview and To-Do List planner.
(Fun fact – that printable was a reader request also, and it’s worth checking out)
She needed just the to-do list part of the planner and wondered if I could created a version that was just the list. And of course I did just that.
We all need to plan in ways that work the best for us. Sometimes that means just using a to-do list to get the job done. This list printables is organized into categories. It includes room for tasks, appointments, shopping list, notes, and there’s even a daily habit tracker.
You can get a closer look and download the printable by clicking the image below.
Cheque Register in Pink
Up next we have a finance tracker printable – the cheque register. The request for this one was to make a pink version of my original cheque register printables. The person who requested it said that they had multiple accounts they needed to track and having them colour coded would make it easier for her to keep them all straight.
I didn’t realize that the original for this one was also a reader request until I looked up the post so that I share the originals with you. The original three were green, purple, and blue and they look exactly like this one in all other ways.
There’s a spot at the top to write the name of the account. Then you have columns for the number, date, transaction, and then amount columns for whether it was a withdrawal or deposit, and, finally, a running balance so that it’s easy to see where your account is at.
Just like above – click the images for a closer look and to download a copy if you’d like.
Printable Tracker
Have you ever downloaded a printable only to realize you already had a copy of it? Or worse, have you ever purchased the same printable more than once? I know I have, which is why when this request landed in my inbox I knew I had to make it.
The Printable Tracker is a brand new printable. It’s designed to help you keep track of what printables you have so you can eliminate duplicate purchases and downloads. It’s very simple. There’s a column for the name of the printable, where you got, and where you stored it on your computer or device.
Because I know that sometimes we like to use different size planners and some like to switch between them, the last column is a place to note the size of the printable. That way, if you have one you love you can track what sizes you have it in.
I hope you get a lot of use out of this one. And just like the rest, for a closer look and to download, just click or tap the image.
That concludes this edition of Reader Requested. I hope you enjoyed the printables and that you found one or more to help helpful for you. And if not, then I hope you submit a request for a printable you do need!
I would love to know – have you ever forgotten you’d already downloaded a printable only to download it again? Drop a line in the comments and lets share our stories.
Before You Go
Have you heard that there’s a Facebook group just for us squirrellies? Come on over and check out the Scatter-Brain’s Guide group. We chat planners, organizing, vote on designs, and, on occasion, I even share exclusive printables that you won’t find anywhere else.
It’s loads of fun and it’s free! Click the button below to check it out.
Until Next Time,
~Happy Printing!
Before You Go
Have you heard that there’s a Facebook group just for us squirrellies? Come on over and check out the Scatter-Brain’s Guide group. We chat planners, organizing, vote on designs, and, on occasion, I even share exclusive printables that you won’t find anywhere else.
It’s loads of fun and it’s free! Click the button below to check it out.