Check out the New Weekly Overview and To-Do List Planner
I am so excited to be sharing this new weekly overview and to-do list planner with you. The idea for this came in as a Reader Request and I am so happy it did. This layout is a combination of elements I never would have thought of putting together.
I love being able to create printables that will be useful to you and I can’t wait to share this one with you.
This weekly overview and to-do list planner is a great option for those who need a hybrid planner and to-do list in one.

Today’s Reader Request comes from Sandie who was looking for something very specific. She needed a two-page weekly planner that was both very structured and had some flexibility.
In her email, Sandie shared that she’d actually cut and pasted a few of my printables together to try to create what she was looking for. The best part, she sent me a picture and agreed that I could share it with you all.

How cool is that!?!
I absolutely LOVED seeing how she combined different elements to create exactly what she needed. The image also made it really easy for me to create the planner page she needed.
In addition to the detailed page, she asked if it was possible to make a second page that was lined on the top with a blank section below. She wanted to be able to use the lined section for notes and spill over for really busy weeks. The empty section she wanted for pictures and memory keeping.
And so, with her request and the help of the pictures she sent I was able to create the new weekly overview and to-do list planner.
The NEW Weekly Overview and To-Do List Planner
These printables turned out better than I hoped. I kept them in the same design as the rainbow weekly planner she used for much her example. With a few tweaks and the addition of some structured sections, the new weekly planners were created.
The Full-Size Version
The full-size version of the weekly overview and to do list planner is a two page per week layout. The first page was designed for planning the details of the week and the second for journalling, memory keeping, or more planning.
The top section consists of blocks for each day of the week and a shared one for the weekend. Underneath that section is where the magic happens. Going from top to bottom, left to right, you have the following planning spaces.
- Top Three Priorities
- Notes and Reminders
- To Buy
- I Really Should To-Do List
- Places to Go
- People to See
- A small habit tracker
- If I Have Time To-Do List
- Things To Do List
It really packs a lot of detailed planning into a small space.
The second page is simply lined on the top with a framed box on the bottom for doodling, pictures, or really anything you could think of.
The Half-Size Version
The half-size version is a little different. I tried a number of different options, but no matter what I tried I couldn’t make this layout work as two pages per week planner. So it became a four pages per week one.
Instead of fighting with trying to make small sections as usable as possible, I took the full-size version and basically cut it in half.
The first page is the coloured day boxes. The second page has all the structured list sections of the full-size version but they’re organized a little differently. Again, from top to bottom, left to right, here’s what on the page.
- Top Three Priorities
- I Really Should To-Do List
- If I Have Time To-Do List
- Places to Go
- People to See
- Habit Tracker
- Notes and Reminders
- To Buy
- Things To Do
The other two pages are exactly like the second page of the full-size one. Lined on the top section and a framed blank area on the bottom.
There you have them – the new weekly overview and to-do list planners. I can’t wait to hear what you think of them. Are they a planner page you’ll get some use out of? Is there something you would change about them to make them work better for you?
How to Send in Your Request
If you’d like to send if a request for a printable it’s really easy. All you need to do is click the button below and fill out the form.
The more detailed you include in your request the better able I’ll be to make what you’re looking for. If you’d like to send me an image of what you’re looking for, make a note of that in the form and make sure to include your email address and I’ll get in touch.
As much as I love creating printables you’ve requested, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to get to every request. There are just not enough hours in the day, however I will try my best to get to as many as I can.
If forms aren’t your thing, you can always hop on over and join us in The Scatter-Brain’s Guide Facebook group. You can submit a request there, chat with others who love planning and organizing, ask questions, and just hang out and have some fun. The more the merrier!
Until next time, I hope you all are having a safe and healthy summer.
This is wonderful. Will this be available in Sunday starting? with the friday and saturday being combined
This new layout of exactly what I have been looking for all over the internet. Is there a way you can do Sunday start with the blank page lined opposite the week in black and white?
I would not use the page that is opposite the week in this layout but would like the lined page instead.
Thank you your work is fantastic!
Hi Kim, thanks for the feedback. I will add this to my list of printables to make. I can’t guarantee when I’ll be able to get it made, but it will be made at some point.
This layout is awesome…I just wish it started on Sunday and not Monday :-(.
Hi Elizabeth, I could certainly play around with making it a Sunday start, but that would put Friday and Saturday together in the same box or make all the boxes smaller than they already are. If that’s all right with you, I’ll see what I can do.
Would it be possible to get the Half size Rainbow Weekly Overview and To-Do List with just the “If I only do three things this week…page to print on all 4 pages? That single page fits me perfectly!
Hi Sharon, I can certainly add that to the list of printables to make. Is it ok with you if I use your email address to send you a copy when they are finished?