Blast From the Past – October’s Reader Faves
Welcome to the October installment of the Blast From the Past series. I cannot believe that this is the seventh post I’ve created for this. I hope that you’re enjoy a look back at Scattered Squirrel from years gone by.
Everything month there’s at least one post or page that surprises me. In the case of October, I wasn’t so much surprised by one of them (though there were some printable I had forgotten about) but rather I was surprised by how much they all had in common.
Hop on down and check out the reader faves from October’s passed and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

What is Blast From the Past?
I’m glad you asked!
The Blast From the Past series is that features a collection of posts and pages that have hit my monthly top 20-50 posts in previous years. I always find it interesting to see which content stands the test of time and which comes and goes. The five pieces of content I’m sharing each month will be a mix of both.
Now let’s hop on down to the good stuff!
October’s Reader Favourites
I don’t think there’s been a month yet that had a clearer theme than October. There is no deviation from the category, it’s all planners, planning, and more planners. And I love it!
I love that year after year readers like you come here to find the planning tools they need to set up their planning systems. It warms my heart and is truly the reason I’m still here making and sharing printables all these years later.
I hope you enjoy taking a look back and I’d love to know if you’d like to see more Reader Requested posts. Let me know in the comments.
And just like the other posts, click the images or the links below to check out the updated original posts and pages.
New Planner Printables as You Requested
We’re kicking this off with a post full of printables created from requests from readers. I love that this one is still hitting my top 20 nearly ten years after publishing.
Originally published on February 17, 2015 this post is full of colourful planner printables. In the image below you’ll see the colourful boxes weekly printable. Also included in this post was a simple weekly to-do list, a daily agenda page, as well as some undated single page calendars in portrait orientation.
Honestly, I had totally forgotten about most of these printables. Be sure to let me know what you think at the end of this post, because every time I take this trip down memory lane I come away with TONS of ideas and if you like these then maybe I’ll make a few more like them.
Check out all the planner printables in the New Planner Printables Requested by You post
Set Up Your 2019 Planner
This post contains almost all the planner printables from the Tropical Paradise Collection. I published this one at the beginning of January 2019. My goal with it was to make it a resource for everyone looking to set up their 2019 planners.
I give an overview of all the printables to make it easier to figure out if they’ll fit your planning needs. This made it a fairly long post, but I’ve added a Table of Contents near the top to make it easier to jump to the section you’re looking for.
This collection is one that I’m contemplating giving a refresh to for 2026 or 2027. So if you enjoy colourful planner pages, be sure to check back in April 2025.
You can read the post Set Up Your 2019 Planner here.
Yearly and Monthly Planner Printables
The Forest Simplicity Yearly and Monthly Planners post has been in the top 20 posts and pages every October since I first shared it back in September of 2022. This design has such a clean look to it.
The palette of greens and browns creates a neutral looking backdrop. Easy on the eyes and wonderful for making coloured inks, stickers, and highlighter pop on the page. Which is something that comes in handy when you’re using forward planning pages.
The planner in this post are all designed to help make planning your year, or even just a few month ahead, easy. There are different planners that can be used in a multitude of ways so you can use the pages in ways that fit your planning needs and style.
Click here for the Forest Simplicity Yearly and Monthly Planners
Get Your 2025 Calendars Now!
I have a confession to make – when I pulled together these links I wasn’t sure this one would even hit October’s top twenty for this year. (A bonus to being behind on my posting schedule is that I can say that it did make it!!! I included it because every October has at least one dated calendar post hit its top twenty.
Back when I used to make the calendars at the end of the year, they still popped up in my top 20 even though they wouldn’t be much use the following year. And when I started sharing academic calendars too, both started showing up.
So I chose to share the dated calendar post with the 2025 calendars in it because I thought this one would be more helpful to you than one from previous years.
Dated Calendars
And it feels really redundant to also be sharing the Dated Calendar page now. Unlike the post above, the printables shared on this page get updated twice a year. Once in April when I share the academic calendars and then again in September when I have the calendar year ones ready.
There’s not really much to say about this page that is self evident it it’s title. When I created it back in 2014, I didn’t know that over a decade later I was still going to be creating and sharing articles and printables here on Scattered Squirrel. I certainly couldn’t have foreseen just how many printables would be available or that I would be updating this page every year.
To be honest, I wasn’t even sure if I should be setting up pages for the printables or just sharing them in posts. (If you’ve ever wondered why things are a bit of a hodgepodge around here, this is one of the many reasons why) I’m thrilled that this page is still a resource that people are making use of all these years later.
Find all the current calendars here, on the Dated Calendar page.
And so we conclude the October installment of the Blast From the Past series. I wasn’t kidding when I said that this month there was a very clear theme happening. And now I can’t help but be curious, do you start planning your planner needs in October? If not, when?
As always drop a line in the comments below and chime in!
Before You Go
Have you heard that there’s a Facebook group just for us squirrellies? Come on over and check out the Scatter-Brain’s Guide group. We chat planners, organizing, vote on designs, and, on occasion, I even share exclusive printables that you won’t find anywhere else.
It’s loads of fun and it’s free! Click the button below to check it out.
Until next time,
Happy Printing!!!