Tropical Paradise Collection
Welcome to the Tropical Paradise Collection! This collection of planner printables originally debuted back in 2019. It was the first collection I created with multiple colours that wasn’t a monochromatic design.
This collection is smaller than some of the newer ones, but it’s not finished yet. The Tropical Paradise Collection will be getting a refresh for 2026. This means that in addition to a new dated calendar, more printables are being designed and will be added when they’re ready.
Hop on down to check out the current collection!

How This Collection is Organized?
First you’ll find a Table of Contents below. You can use this to jump to the different sections. This will be especially helpful for anyone who is looking for something specific.
After the Table of Contents the sections will start. Each section will be divided into subsections with a gallery of images in each. You can just click the image to get the printable. At the end of each section there will be links to the posts you can find the printables in. The posts give you a closer look at some of the printables. It’s important to note that some of those posts have printing instructions, most especially with the calendars. Those posts will be clearly marked.
I hope you enjoy looking through the printables in this collection. Better yet – I hope you find some that will fit your planning needs.
The Tropical Paradise Collection
I had a lot of fun creating the design for these printables. I was going for lighthearted and fun – a design that would be cheerful with a dash of whimsy. I think the colours and the fonts worked well together to bring that feeling to the page.
This collection of planner printables may be small (more will be coming) but it’s also a mix of different pages. Among the daily and weekly planner pages you’ll also find goal setting worksheets and a self-care journal.
Sometimes planning isn’t just about what we need to do each day.
Currently I don’t have undated versions of the calendars for this collection. Which is problematic to me because I start building all my planners with a monthly calendar. So rest assured that creating these is a high priority for me.
In the meantime you can find the current dated calendars on the Dated Calendar page. And if you want to know why I start my planners with a monthly calendar you might find the post Where Does Your Planner Start an interesting read.
Undated Letter Size Calendars
Coming Soon
Undated Half Letter Size Calendars
Coming Soon
Yearly Planners
A yearly planner is a great tool to have in your planner. They allow you to plan for things well into the future. Whether that’s vacation time or medical appointments, having a place to note those in your planner without having to schedule them into you calendar can be very help.
I like using yearly planners to help me plan my home projects, especially deep and seasonal cleaning tasks. They’re also great for keeping track of important dates and for managing projects, especially if you have more than one long project in the works.
However you choose to plan with them, having at least one of the printables shared below will help make forward planning a little easier.
Calendar Year Yearly Planners
The post Get a Jump Start on Planning 2019 with this Collection of Yearly Planner Printables has a closer look at the yearly planners.
Monthly Planners
Like the yearly planners above, a monthly planner is a great way to forward plan. They give you a place to store future tasks and appointments when you don’t want to put them on your calendar or if you’re not sure when you’ll be doing them.
Things like medical appointments might be set in stone, but maybe you know you need to book a hair appointment in a few months but you’re not sure when during that month you’ll be free to go. That’s where a monthly planner can come in useful.
Monthly Planners
Take a closer look at the monthly planners in the Set Up Your 2019 Planner post.
Weekly Planners
When it comes to planning styles, planning a week a time is one of the most common ones. Being able to see your whole week laid out before you is a great way to ensure that you’re not overloaded. It also helps you from double booking appointments, over committing, and allows you to ensure that you’re making time for yourself.
Below you’ll find a collection of weekly planners. Each comes with your choice of a Sunday or Monday start day. From there, pick the layout and size that works best for you. If you’re not sure which one will be the one, try a few different ones, heck try all of them if you want too. The beautiful part of printing your own planner is that you can experiment without breaking the bank.
Vertical Week on Two Pages
Horizontal Weekly Layouts
The article Set Up Your 2019 Planner has all the weekly planners included in it if you’d like to take a closer look.
Daily Planners
Need to get an up close look at how your days are going? Or maybe you like sitting down each evening or morning and planning out your day so that it’s fresh in your mind. Perhaps you just prefer daily planning over weekly planning. Whatever the reason, this collection of daily planner printables is here to help.
Daily Planner – Page per Day
Daily Planner – 2 Days per Page
Check out all the daily planners in Set Up Your 2019 Planner.
Goal Planning PRintables
Goal setting isn’t for everyone. However, if goal setting is a tool you use in your life, these goal setting planners might be useful for you.
Plan your long and short term goals in detail. Track your progress, even make evaluations as you work towards them. Or, create a list of fun goals with the bucket list printable.
Whether you choose to make use of these not, having the option for creating goals is a great tool to keep tucked in the back of your planner.
Long Term Goals
Short Term Goals
Fun Goals
Check out the goal planners in closer detail over at the post: Plan Your Goals so You Can Reach Your Goals.
Self-Care Planner
Taking care of yourself is so important, but it can also be hard. Figuring out what is and isn’t self-care is a deeply personal, sometimes ever changing, journey. These journal printables were designed to help give that journey a place to be recorded.
Check out the post linked in the dark green box below for more information about how these printables were designed to be use. Or just jump in and use them in they way that fits you best.
Brainstorm ideas. Document things you do each day or week. Or plan how you’re going to care for and nurture yourself, body, mind, and soul.
Self Care Planner
Find out more about the Self-Care Planners and how they were designed to be used by reading the post: Make YOU a Priority by Creating a Self-Care Plan
Notes Paper
Planner pages and worksheets are wonderful, but sometimes you just need or want a simple piece of notes paper. Am I right?
These notes paper printable are a fabulous addition to your planner. But they’re also wonderful to use just on their own.
Lined Notes Paper
Enjoy the Printables
I know that there are a ton of printables in this collection. I hope that out of all of them you were able to at least find a few that will fit or needs. If the Jewel Tone Quarters design just isn’t for you, be sure to hop on over to the Printable Libraries to check out the other designs I have available.
If you have any questions about the printables here, or requests for ones to add to the collection, please feel free to send me an email or consider joining our Facebook group – The Scatter-Brain’s Guide. I’m always happy to try to help.
Before You Go
Have you heard that there’s a Facebook group just for us squirrellies? Come on over and check out the Scatter-Brain’s Guide group. We chat planners, organizing, vote on designs, and, on occasion, I even share exclusive printables that you won’t find anywhere else.
It’s loads of fun and it’s free! Click the button below to check it out.
Until next time –
Happy Printing!!