Academic Yearly Planner Printables For Long Term Planning
The academic yearly planner printables are here! Why am I so excited about them you ask Well, do you ever feel like the months just seem to slip by? January turns to June in the blink of an eye and you’re left wondering where the first half of the year went and how you’re going to accomplish all you wanted to?
That happens to me too. That’s why these academic yearly planner printables are going to be a wonderful addition to your planner this year. They allow us to plan ahead and spread things out. And while they don’t stop the months from slipping past, they do help us not lose sight of the things we want or need to do.
Ready to check them out?

The Academic Yearly Planner Printables
These yearly planners are designed to help make long term or forward planning easy. One of the benefits of forward planning is that it allows you to see the big picture of what your year looks like. Large projects, vacations, special dates, events, and even your goals, all affect your weekly and daily planning. Knowing what’s coming up allows you to plan accordingly.
Whether you prefer to plan out parts of your year all at once, or just add to future months when needed, having a few of these on hand will make that easy. Let’s start with the most popular yearly printable.

Special Dates
The special dates planner is a staple in most of the planners that are on the market. It gives you a place to record birthdays, anniversaries, and events for the upcoming year. But you can use it for more than just that.
Some ways I’ve seen others use planner pages like this are:
- recording school dates – exams, holidays, tournaments and more
- project planning – especially for large projects like home renovations or work projects
- reading lists – make note of what books are coming out or what books to read each month
- memory keeping – they make notes about what happened each month
- home care – plan deep cleaning and indoor and outdoor home maintenance tasks for each month
For the Forest Simplicity collection, I made some changes to this printable. Typically, my special dates pages are a single page, but I wanted to create something that offered you a little more room with all the different ways people are using these pages. This year they’re a two-page layout.
Yearly Overview Printables
Next up we have the yearly overview printables. This planner is fabulous for forward planning your year on a monthly basis. There is space to set the top three things you want to get done or reminders of things you don’t want to forget. Plus a space to make notes or flesh out your plans in more details.
There’s really no right or wrong way to use this printable. My youngest son uses it to plan his school projects for each month. I use it to plan out my personal goals for the year. A dear friend uses it for keeping track of all her yard and gardening needs.
It’s just a great tool for letting you plan out an overview of the upcoming year. The two-page spread gives you plenty of room to plan and make notes.
Yearly Planner
The last in the academic yearly planner printables is the yearly planner. This planner page was a reader request from way back when and it seems to be a hit each year. It’s just a simple dated grid for the whole year with room for special dates and notes at the bottom.
I know a lot of people who use colour coded highlighters to block out dates they want to highlight. Things like:
- no school days and school holidays
- exam days
- sports events and practices
- bill due dates
- vacation days
- tracking workdays
- project timelines
Really, the sky is the limit here. I even have a friend who has multiples in her planner that she uses for tracking habits and counting down to big events. However you choose to use it, the yearly planner can be fantastic for allowing you to see what your year looks like in advance.
Other Academic Yearly Planner Printables
That’s it for the yearly planners that I usually offer. What do you think? Are there other pages or layouts you’d like to see added to the academic yearly planner printables? Drop me a line in the comments below or come on over and join us in the The Scatter-Brain’s Guide Facebook group. We’d love to have you!
Until next time,
Happy Printing!

Hi! I have been a fan of your printables, planners, calendars, lists and organization for years – since my son was in kindergarten and he is 24 now! You work so hard at keeping everyone so happy with everything I’m a bit embarrassed to ask for the following. When will you have a pre-dated 2 page spread academic calendar or 2 year calendar? Or have I just not seen it? Thank you so very much. Chris
Hi Chris, Thanks for being here for so long. Never be embarrassed to ask a question or request a printable or post topic. I’m always happy to try to help. The new academic calendars are up on the blog page. I only have from July 2023 to June 2024 available. I don’t generally do two years because I change the calendar designs each year. I’ll add that to my list for next year though, and see if I can figure out a way to make it work.