Holiday Planning Step 6 – Self-Care During the Holidays
During this season of giving, goodwill towards all, entertaining, and everything else that comes with the holiday season, it is important not to overlook the importance of taking care of ourselves. Self-care during the holidays is just as, if not more, important as the rest of the year.
We give so much of ourselves this time of year and we need to remember to give to ourselves too. Feeling run
Making time for self-care during the holidays is just as important as taking care of others.

I suck at making myself a priority most times. I usually don’t notice when I need to take time for me until I’ve reached my breaking point. The funny thing about being limited by physical injuries is that it gives you more time to think and to reflect.
In 2017 I was limited in what I could do and how long I could do things. It was a limit I had no control over. My body could only do much before it needed to rest and recharge.
Being forced to listen to my body opened up the opportunity for me to see how I need to listen to my spirit in the same way. Despite all the planning and prepping I did ahead of time, the enforced downtime was the key to having a holiday season that was more
Because I was forced to take time outs and rest I was able to not just refuel my body, but my emotional reservoirs as well. In turn, I was able to give more of myself to my family.
Little things didn’t niggle at the back of my mind. Frustrations and stressors lost some of their potency.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, things still got to me, but I was able to navigate through them and bounce back from them faster than usual. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about those lessons I learned that year.
One of the biggest take-aways for me was that I had time to think and reflect on how I was feeling and make a plan for how to deal with them. That process inspired the self-care journal pages below.
Holiday Planning Step 6 – Self- Care During the Holidays
As magical and full of wonder
Whether they’re dealing with loss, depression, anxiety, or something else, this time of year is a challenge for them. Before I go any further, I want to take a moment to speak to those of you who are coping with stresses that are far beyond the scope of this series.
You are not alone! I hope you know that. There are many people in this world who can personally relate to what you are
Guided Self-Care Prompts
One of the best ways I know to combat stress is to make a plan for it. It might sound silly, and goodness knows that I am not a mental health professional, but I find that having a plan can really help.
Knowing the things that help you feel better or more in control is a powerful tool
Each set includes two pages. The first is full of guided prompts to help jump start the thinking process and give you a place to turn for ideas that you’ve collected that you know work for you.
There are six boxes on the page. Each of them have an “If I feel” statement.
If I feel:
- overwhelmed
- stressed
- anxious
- rundown
- sad
- If I need alone time
You can use the space in the box to write down what you need to do to take care of yourself during those times.
The second page is just a note page where you can jot down ideas for things you’d like to do just for yourself this holiday season.
Above is the full-size version and below you’ll find the half-size version. Just click the image of the one you’d like to download the PDF.
Unguided Self-Care Prompts
Guided prompts are not for everyone, so I made a blank version as well.
As with all the printables in this series pick and choose the ones that will work for you. If writing down stuff like this isn’t something that works for you, then skip it. Or only print the page that fits your needs best.
Above is the full-size version and below you’ll find the half-size version. Just click the image of the one you’d like to download the PDF.
Today’s assignment is to take some time to create a plan for how you’re going to manage self-care during the holidays.
It’s important to make time for taking care of you during this busy season. Not only will it allow you to give more time to others, but it will greatly help reduce the stress of the holiday season.
Make a list of things you can do to refresh and renew your spirit. Take some time to think about negative emotions you might feel during the holidays. Then take some time to create a
I said it above, but I need to say it again.
If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, sadness, or other mental health challenges and need some help coping, please reach out and ask for help. Whether you call on family, friends, a mental health professional, or a support group – please don’t go through this alone. Make sure you have names and numbers of people you can call if you need too. And don’t hesitate to call them if you need them.
During this season of giving and putting others ahead of ourselves, remember that we cannot give what we do not have. Take some of that holiday spirit and turn it towards yourself.
Do not be afraid to say no, to set boundaries, and to simplify where you need to. Your family and loved ones want you to be as happy as you want them to be. Don’t be afraid to put yourself first when you need to.
Don’t forget to hop on over to the Facebook group and share your favourite way to practice self-care during the holidays. If social media is not your thing, feel free to chime in in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you.
To check out the next posts in this series you can hop on over to The Stress-Free Holiday Series page.