Printable Palooza and Farewell Blogger
Hi there everyone! I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday. We had a quiet holiday, just the four of us, which… considering this stupid cold we all seem to have to varying degrees, was probably a good thing. The boys had fun though, and it was a great day. Today is blog catch up day for me. I didn’t mean to be gone all week, but with the kids home it’s been hard to find the time to sit on the computer. My days have been filled with light-saber duels, snakes and ladders marathons, puzzle building, and lots of hugs and snuggles. I really couldn’t say no to that!
Don’t worry though, while I may not have had time to sit down and whip out a few posts, I did finish up the last of the printables for the personal planner. (Hence the title of this post) There’s a number of them coming up at you, so I’ll stop babbling and start sharing.
The first one I’m sharing is a request. I received a few emails asking if I was going to do the daily planner in a half page, and here it is!

Next up, a little something to help keep track of special dates through out the year.
This one is followed by my yearly planner. I don’t, as a rule, make resolutions. I do, however, make goals, and the new year is a great time for setting goals for the coming year. This page is more for small, personal goals, like establishing a new routine, learning something new … you get the idea.
I’ve also included some space for things we want to do as a family. These could be anything from a vacation destination to a simple outing. And, because I have a hard time taking time out for myself, I decided that this year, I would think of 12 things I could do to sort of nurture my soul. To recharge my batteries. I figure I can handle once a month. It probably should be more often, but for now this where I’m starting. These will most likely be little things like, “take time to let nails full dry after painting” or “spend a couple of hours at the library… alone!”
What planner would be complete without a monthly calendar? None that I can think of. Because everyone uses planners in different ways, and because I know no everyone is looking for a planner per se, I thought I would whip up a blank calendar.
You could print this one off and throw it in a frame or a sheet protector and stick on your fridge, or wherever it is that you hang your calendars.
And that concludes the planned printables for the personal planner. I hope you find some of the useful in the coming year. It also means it’s just about time to wrap up this post. I’m getting kind of misty eyed here, because this is my second to last post of the year, and it also happens to be my last post here on Blogger. Yeap, that’s right! The switch to WordPress is happening tomorrow! Crazy, yep! Scary, you betcha! But I’ve been testing the new site, playing around with some of the features, and I’m happy to report all seems to be working well, and I think it’s time to stop stalling and take that next leap. To my friends on Google Friend Connect, I do so hope you’ll come over and say hi at, or follow along another way.
All of you wonderful readers have made this blog such a wonder to be a part of! Thank you for coming back each day, week, month…. whenever you get here. And if you’re new here, thank you for stopping by! I hope we’ll see you around some more! You all mean so much to me. Please enjoy this final, unplanned printable (or should I say printables, cause technically there are 12?) of the year!

I hope this coming year is full of wonderful moments, amazing opportunities, joy, love and many blessing for all of you!
Happy New Year!!!!