Is Do It Scared® Worth Reading?
Have you ever read a book that caused a light-bulb moment go off for you? You know those few books where, as you read the words, something inside you clicks?
Something inside you wakes up and says “Yes!” or “Aha!”. Or maybe it’s a quieter click that makes you breathe a sigh or shed tears of relief because FINALLY someone understands you or can explain a part of you you have questioned for so long.
Do It Scared® was one of those books for me.
Do It Scared® is a must read book in my opinion

I pre-ordered the audio book version through Audible. In addition to receiving the pre-order bonuses I was invited to be part of the launch team. As part of the launch team I was given early access to a copy of the book. All opinions are 100% my own.
Books are such amazing things. They can move us to tears and make us laugh with joy. Inside their pages we are transported to new places, whole new worlds, and different times. They educate, record history, entertain, and inspire.
Sometimes, the really great ones will reach inside us and show us something new about ourselves. They take us on a journey of self-discovery, and that’s exactly what Do It Scared® did for me.
What is Do It Scared®?
Do It Scared® is the new book from Ruth Soukup and it’s all about identifying the fears that affect your life, understanding them on a deeper level, and working with them to, well, do it scared.
Part one starts off diving deep into what Ruth calls the Fear Archetypes. There is a Fear Assessment quiz you can take that will tell you what your top three Fear Archetypes are. The descriptions in the book are very detailed. Highlighting not only the negatives of each archetype, but also the positives.
You’ll also find tailored advice for what to do to help navigate your way through challenges and to reach your goals while working through your fear.
Ruth gives some real world examples of these archetypes which add a wonderful element of connection to them
The second part of the book goes into detail about the Principles of Courage. These are the things everyone can do and skills we can build to help ourselves keep moving forward despite the fear we might be feeling.
The third part is Courage In Action. This is where Ruth shows us with some real world examples or how to take everything we’ve learned and apply it to our own lives. It’s a powerhouse of a section and makes the whole book really come alive.
My Thoughts on Do It Scared®
I have to be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure about this book. It sounded a little ‘out there’ to me. But I pre-ordered the audio book because I was curious and because it ties in with my word of the year.
I took the Fear Assessment before reading any part of the book and found myself more curious. The results were eerily accurate in a way I wasn’t expecting and I couldn’t wait to dive a little deeper.
The detailed definitions, explanations, and stories about the different Fear Archetypes were thought provoking. They are worth reading even if you don’t read the rest of the book.
I found the Principles of Courage to be encouraging with a healthy dose of tough love thrown in. Ruth doesn’t sugar coat things and I was very appreciative of that. She doesn’t make everything sound easy and, most importantly, she doesn’t leave you feeling like you don’t know what do with the information she’s given you

Why I Liked it
Ruth has a way of taking these conceptual ideas and putting them in real world, relatable, formats. She walks with the reader through each part, opening windows of understanding, advice, and encouragement for how to move forward.
I left the book feeling like I had a better understanding of myself. Of the choices I’ve made and the underlying reasons behind them. Also, it helped me see how fear might be affecting those closest to me.
It was an emotional read in many ways, and I appreciate books that can pull that kind of response from me.
I also loved that this book wasn’t just about understanding pieces of myself, but it offered practical, tough love, advice for how to move forward even if I am scared.
In the end, this book surprised me. It is a book that shows you parts of you that have been hidden or unexplainable. It makes you ask questions and take a deeper look at how you approach different situations in your life.
It’s one of those books that become treasures to me.
You know those books that will end up tattered and dog eared because I read them over and over again. Their pages will be marked with flags, sticky notes with my thoughts, and highlighted passages. And yes, there will even be notes in the margins.
I enjoyed this book so much, that I can’t wait to listen to the audio book. In addition, I plan to purchase a physical copy of this book so I can dig through it in even more detail.
Is it Worth Reading?
In the title of this post I posed a question – Is Do It Scared® worth reading?
My answer is a resounding YES!
If you’ve ever found yourself yearning to reach a goal, or putting off chasing a dream, Do It Scared® might just hold some answers for you.
If self-development is part of a goal you set this year, then I definitely recommend that you put this one on your reading list.
I think that no matter what place you are in in your life, this book will be a good read for you. The understanding you will gain about how fear plays a roll in your life will help you in so many different ways.
Whether you choose to purchase the book, request it through your local library, or use your audible credits to order it, I think Do It Scared® is a book everyone will get something out of.
Final Thoughts
I don’t recommend a lot of books here on the blog. I reserve these review posts for books that moved me, helped me, and that I have either read more than once or plan to read more than once. Most importantly, they have to be a book I think will offer value to you.
Have you read any good books lately? Fiction or Non-Fiction doesn’t matter, drop me a line in the comments below and let’s keep the conversation going.
Hi Alli
I just came across a tv show called Ask Dr. Nandi
Featuring a Detroit physician
Suicide was the topic
Ruth Soukup was interviewed
Her book sounds interesting
Thanks for sharing that. I found it to be a really fascinating book. I’m currently listening to the audiobook again.