My Word of the Year for 2019
Every year I try to pick a word that either acts as a cue for my big goals or the big changes I want to make that year. Or I choose a word that is a trait I want to embrace more. The word I chose for 2019 is a little of both. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that my word chose me.
Have you picked a word of the year for 2019?

I remember the moment I picked my word for this year as clearly as if it just happened. My husband and I were out doing some Christmas shopping at the beginning of December and I was standing in the dollar store when it hit me! Not literally, but it was staring me straight in the face and it had been for weeks.
I Didn’t Choose My Word, It Chose Me
Every time we went anywhere this word would stand out. On a sign on the road, in Christmas decorations, scrap booking stickers and supplies … it was everywhere I seemed to look. It’s not totally surprising to see this word all over the place during the holidays. You also see the words joy, hope, and peace quite frequently too, but those words didn’t stand out as much as this one.
I don’t why, but standing in that dollar store that day, looking for something to dress up a wreath, that word jumped out at me again. This time I listened. I bought the glittery word ornament and decided then and there that I had found my word for the coming new year.
The word I chose was ….

What Believe Means to Me
There have been a lot of changes in my life in the last few years. Some have been really big ones, such as deciding to homeschool our youngest and moving to a new province. For the most part though, they’ve been quiet and small; an internal shifting of focus and goals. Up until I got home from that shopping trip and took time to really think about my choice, I wasn’t aware how much of my self-esteem had been eaten away in the last little while. I can pin point certain events that I know had a negative impact on my self-esteem.
- Pulling our youngest out of school and wishing I had done it earlier, especially when he flourished our first year homeschooling.
- Not being able to find a happy middle ground while juggling work, homeschooling, and running our home
- The car accident – I’m pretty sure this one was the biggest hit to my self-esteem
I also know that there had to be numerous times of quiet, unmarked moments where I allowed a negative thought to take root. But this year I am changing that. Baby step by baby step I will move forward.
The hardest step we all must take is to blindly trust in who we are.
– Atticus
This year I am choosing to take the step!
I am choosing to believe in myself again.
To believe in the possibilities and the wonders that are out there.
To believe in my abilities and my skills and my talents.
To help my family and friends believe in themselves as much as I do.
Most importantly, I am choosing to believe that if I step past this fear that seems to be holding me back, then I can reach any goal I aim for.
Maybe not now, but before the stroke of midnight on December 31st – I will!
How I’ll Use My Word
In years past, I’ve picked my word and wrote it down in a few places. This year I want to be more intentional with my word. I want it to be my catch phrase when I need to change my thinking into something more positive or when doubts start creeping in.
I’m going to frame the image I shared above and keep it by desk where I will see it at least once every day. I’m also thinking I might turn it into a bookmark to use in my journal.
I still have the dollar store ornament sitting on my desk. I’ve removed all the glitter and am planning to paint it a bright colour. While I’m not sure where I’ll put it, I know I want to hang it somewhere I’ll see it.
I also spent some time checking out Ali Edwards’ site, and her blog posts about One Little Word®. She has a course, a product line, and tons of ideas for ways to incorporate your word for the year into your everyday life. I think I’m going to set aside some time each month to get creative with my word. Use that time to check in with myself and see how it’s going and what I need to change. Just like I do with my goals.
I don’t know what this year has in store, but I know that I will not allow it to pass without making strides towards being a healthier, more confident version of myself. And I believe it’s going to be a great year.
Do you pick a word of the year? If you’re up for sharing your word, drop a line in the comment below. I’d love to hear how you make use of it all year long