Coming Full Circle – Sharing our News

Happy Monday everyone!  Last week I mentioned that I had some news of a personal nature to share with all of you.  It’s too big of a secret to keep myself, and truthfully I couldn’t wait to share it with you.   A little over three years ago, I started this blog with the main intention of keeping our family and friends updated on our plans to move south.  We were living in Northern BC at the time and our visits with them were few and far between and we were longing to be closer.  Our move happened much faster than either Travis or myself anticipated and less than six months after writing my post about our intentions to move we were moving into our new home, a few short hours from my home town.  It’s been wonderful to be in southern BC again, and it’s been nice living closer to family and friends.  On May 3rd we made a trip to visit my parents and meet my new nephew and everything changed.  We hadn’t even reached our destination when Travis and I looked at each other and said “this feels like coming home”.  And so, before we even got to my parents house, we’d made our decision…. we’re moving again!

It feels really bizarre to be sitting here writing a post like this.  I almost feel like I’ve traveled back in time.  I never thought I would be writing this post again.  Until that trip home I didn’t realized either of us felt this way, and I didn’t realize how much I truly missed being there.  The plan came together surprising fast.  This is our fifth long distance move in a little under 9 years, so it’s not an all together unfamiliar path for us to be walking.  The difference with this move, is that it’s tugging at my heart-strings.  I’m having a hard time writing this post without getting all excited and then all teary.  Ever since that first bout of homesickness I felt when we first moved away, I’ve always focused on the positives of where we’ve been.  Except Saskatchewan, I did NOT living there.  (Beautiful province, I just need mountains, and prairie winters are miserable)  Life moves forward and you forget, or maybe it wasn’t the right time to go back.  We’ve been back for visits, all of them full of excitement at seeing family and friends, none of them ever felt like this one.  None ever left me wishing we could move back there, even when it was time to come home.  Maybe it wasn’t the time for us to move back?  What I do know, is that I’m eagerly, anxiously, hurry-up-Christmas, waiting for moving day to come.

That made it sound like we’re doing this soon didn’t it?  Truthfully speaking, we don’t have a moving date yet, but I have set a deadline- I want to be moving by the end of the summer 2016.  We’re still working on a few of the other details, but from this point on every step we take forward will be leading to this move and I’m taking you all along on this journey with us.  I’m going to be sharing more than I did with our last move.  Many more how to’s and lots more printables that I’ve been working on.  I’m going to chat packing, planning, and all sorts of other things, and I’m going to share them all here with you in a new series I’m calling –

So far all I have is a to-do list that feels like it is never-ending.  With any move there is a lot of work to do, with a long distance move there’s a little bit more you have to think about and plan for, especially when you’re moving just because you want to.  Here are a few things on our list right now:

  • explore employment options in that area
  • exploring housing options, and start keeping an eye on rental prices
  • explore surrounding areas
  • pick our prime area and secondary areas
  • create wish list/reality checklist for homes
  • price out moving trucks
  • declutter and pack what can be packed ahead of time
  • figure out the budget
  • DEEP clean house
  • get home ready to be shown (even though we’re renters, the house will still need to be shown to new renters)
  • decide which summer we’re moving.  If possible we might try for Summer 2015.
  • save, save, save, save… moves are not cheap (I have some tips to share on this)
  • create moving binder (it worked so well for me last time
  • touch up paint in rental
  • declutter some more (before a big move is a great time to cull the clutter)
  • scope out area schools if we do move this summer to make sure we pick the right area for Teen to take the courses he needs. (Next school year is his last)

Ok, so it’s not that big, those some of those items have hefty lists of their own.  That’s ok, though because I have time and I certainly have the motivation.  I’m going to pull on things I learned in our last move, pair them with ideas and inspiration I’m gathering from other places and this move is going to be smooth sailing.  (As smooth as any move can be)  This time around I plan to share a little more than I got around to last time.   Looking back at my posts from 3 years ago has been neat, but I really didn’t share as much as I thought I would.  A quick peek at my Move Management printables showed me that they are crying out for some updating and I have a few new ones I want to add into the mix.  So over the next few months I’ll have lots to share.

Now you know our big news.  I wish I could just start packing right now.  I’m ready and raring to go.  The hardest part is going to be holding onto my patience and taking this one step at time – the end result is going to be worth it though.  For now dear friends, I’m going to run and find something to clean or something.  I’m bouncing in my seat and need to do something with all this energy.  Until next time, I hope you all are having a wonderful week!  If you have any moving advice I’d love to hear it.

Do you have any moving tips or advice you’d like to share?  Have you ever made a big, life changing decision on what seems like a whim?

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