New Planner Printables as You Requested!

We are halfway through February already, and you know what that means?  It’s time for another Reader Request post.  Out of all the posts I write, I think these ones are my favourites.  I love nothing better than making up printables that you all ask for.  

This month I thought it might be fun to focus on planner printables.  Out of all the requests that come my way, planner printables top the popularity chart, and as much I would love to make all of them, I had to narrow it down to just a few, at least for this month.  So please take a peak and tell me what you think.

On a tall, light beige background are the words "Reader Requested" written in a dark green text across the top. Under the text is a photo that shows the right side of a teal and white planner laying on a wooden desk. The page showing is a weekly planner made up of different colour boxes. Under the photo is beige box with dark text that says "New Planner Printables as You Requested"

 Planner Printables

This month I’m changing things up a little bit.  Normally, I get requests for certain full-size printables to be made into half-size versions.  I’m slowly working towards making all the printables here available in both sizes, but it takes a little time.  This month though, I’m going in the opposite direction.  I’ve received a number of requests for full size versions of the printables shown below and  I honestly can’t believe that in the (almost) three years I’ve been sharing printables here, I have yet to make a simple, full-size daily agenda.  No fuss, no muss, just an agenda.  Crazy right?  I thought so.  I also thought it was time to rectify the situation.

This image links to the half letter size Daily Agenda printable PDF file.
This image links to the half letter size Weekly Two Page Spread printable PDF file.

Daily Agenda Printable

I kept the daily agenda super simple and just made a full size version of the one above.  This allowed for more time slots to be added.  Don’t worry if you don’t need all the times, use those extra slots for notes.  I actually took this one for a test drive today, and I have to say, it’s been doing great at keeping me on track and I’m loving have the extra room to add a little more detail into each task/appointment.  It makes me wonder why I didn’t do this sooner.  Sometimes simple really is the best way to go.

This image links to the letter size Daily Agenda printable PDF file.

Simple seems to be the running theme this month with the printables.  I didn’t do anything to change the weekly planner printable either, I just redesigned it to be full-size.  Since so many of the requests that I get for this one always mention the colours, I opted to leave those the same.  I’m thinking I might make a few more with some different colours.  If I did would anyone be interested in them?  Leave me a reply in the comments if you would, and let me know what colours you’d like to see.

This image links to the Simple Weekly Planner printable PDF

Simple Weekly To-List Printable

This one wasn’t exactly mentioned in any of the requests and I almost left it out since I do have another version of the weekly to-do list printable, but this one is cleaner and well, to repeat myself, simpler.  And, ok, if I’m being totally honest, it felt kind of weird to break up the set.   Yes, I know, I’m a strange duck…err… squirrel!?!?

This image links to the Simple Weekly To-Do List printable PDF

Blank Portrait Monthly Calendar Printables

So, I mentioned above that I’ve been trying to offer both full and half-size versions of all the printables.  These ones below are the exception to that.  I tried making half-size versions, but because of the odd size of the boxes it just didn’t work.  They ended up being pretty squishy and I just couldn’t bring myself to put them on here.  If you really want them, I’ll play around a little more, but they won’t be very usable.  The full-size version, however, turned out better than I thought they would.  First up, are the more traditional, start on a Sunday calendars.  I made both a blank and lined version.  If you opt for the lined version, let me know how that works out.  If it works out well, I’ll start adding in a lined version to all my calendars.

This image links to the Sunday start. letter size, single page, portrait, undated, monthly calendar printable PDF
This image links to the Monday start. letter size, single page, portrait, undated, monthly calendar printable PDF

Did I really just type that?  That’s a lot of calendars to update!  But I meant it, if you like the lined version let me know, I’ll work at updating the other ones as time allows.  Speaking of other ones, back in October you surprised with how well received the monthly calendars starting on Monday were.  So, it should come as no surprise that I made a second version of the new blank calendars with the non-traditional, start on Monday twist!

This image links to the Sunday start. letter size, single page, portrait, lined, undated, monthly calendar printable PDF
This image links to the Monday start. letter size, single page, portrait, lined, undated, monthly calendar printable PDF

I really do love doing these posts, so keep those requests coming!  I just wanted to mention a few things before I let you go.  To snag your copy of any of the printables you see here on Scattered Squirrel, simply click the picture of the printable.

So, tell me true, what do you think of the new versions of planner printables?  Don’t forget to let me know in the comments if you would like to see some different versions of the weekly planner printable, and what colours you would like to see it offered in!

Do you have a suggestion or request for a printable?  I’d love to hear from you if you do.

Before You Go

Have you heard that there’s a Facebook group just for us squirrellies? Come on over and check out the Scatter-Brain’s Guide group. We chat planners, organizing, vote on designs, and, on occasion, I even share exclusive printables that you won’t find anywhere else.

It’s loads of fun and it’s free! Click the button below to check it out.

 Until Next Time,

Happy Printing!!

This image shows a photo of a weekly to-do list and a weekly planner in a teal and white planner lying open on a flat, wooden, surface. "Reader Requested" is written in white text on a beige rectangle that overlaps a small portion of the bottom of the photo and the beige box that makes up the bottom third of the image. On the beige box is green text that says "New Planner Printables Requested by You"

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  1. Hi! I love your printables, but the weekly planner with the colourful squares doesn’t link to a pdf, it’s just an image.

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Jade, I’m so sorry for my late reply. Thank you so much for letting me know that the weekly wasn’t linking right. I’m not sure why, but sometimes the links go wonky on occasion. With so many printables on the site, it’s hard to check them all on a regular basis to make sure the links are working, so I greatly appreciate the heads up. It’s all fixed now. Again, I’m so sorry I was so late in replying.

  2. PM Pascua says:

    Thank you so much!

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      You are very welcome!

  3. Alanna Carroll says:

    I love your printables. I’ve been subscribed to scattered squirrel for almost 12 years. Could you possibly do half size lined monthly and/or weekly calendars? Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Alanna, thank you so much for following for so long that totally makes my day. As for your requests, I’m happy to try to meet them. Have you checked out the 2025 planner page? I have dated half size calendars with lines. When you say weekly calendar, do you mean just a weekly page or are you asking for something dated?

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