{Day 4} Early Bird and Free Spirit Daily Planners
Welcome to Day 4 of the 31 Days 31 Printables series. Happy Saturday everyone! I love Saturdays. I can sleep in, (well as much as any parent gets to sleep in) stay in my jammies all day if I so choose, and generally take it easy puttering around the house. It’s the one day of the week where I don’t have to spend much time thinking about what we need to do, I reserve that for Sundays. So, it was kind of a surprise to me when I opted to focus on daily planner pages today.
If you’ve ever taken a peak at the Personal Planner page then you may have notices that there are a few daily planner pages to choose from. I haven’t made too many versions of these, because I’m never sure what to put in them. I, personally, prefer to use a weekly planner for the most part and only use a daily planner page when I know I have a really busy day ahead of me, The one pictured below is my personal favourite, as it allows me to create manageable lists to help structure my day. It’s also the starting point for today’s printable update.
New Daily Planners
Making one printable that will work for everyone is almost impossible. We all have different things happening in our lives that we need to take into account when we look for daily planners. I’ve received many requests regarding the daily planner pages suck as:
Hi! I really love the daily printable! I was wondering if you would be able to send me one that begins a bit earlier in the day? I wake up and have to get started by 6:30. Thanks!!
I want the personal size for the half size. Will that fit in my arc junior? Also, I am wondering if I could get the times changed, as I work a goofy shift?? thanks
How could I say no? After thinking about it for a while, I decided that what I really needed to do was create one for Early Birds that starts at 6:30 and one without times. Considering that Travis hasn’t worked a normal work week or shift since 2008, I know how hard it can be to plan your activities using standard timed planners. They never work. A day planner with no set times seemed like the best choice.
As you can see, all I did was change the times. This planner seems to be working really well, as is, so I opted to leave the layout alone. Below is the one with no times. Again, I didn’t really change much of anything.
Even if one of the requests hadn’t been for a half-size version, I still would have made some. I love using my Arc Junior notebook for my personal planner, and I know that there are many of you out there who feel the same way. Half-size printables make for super portable planners, and so this collection would not be complete without theses two.
Just like their full size counter parts. No really, they are exactly the same, why re-invent the wheel right?
I’m not sure if I got these one exactly right for what was requested, but I sure do hope I came close. I may not use daily planner pages everyday, but these sure do make me smile. I have to admit, I think I’ll be printing the ones without times next time, because there is something nice and non-confining about being able to write in my own times.
Don’t forget, if you have a suggestion for changes you would like to see to old printables, or even new printables you would like to see offered here, let me know in the comments, send me an email, or reach out on social media. You never know, I might choose your idea next!
Are you an Early Bird or a Free Spirit when it comes to your day planners, or do you prefer something more traditional?
~Happy Printing~
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I have loved your printables for years!!! Thank you dearly for your time…and being a giver
I love to print things a bit too much and therefore needed to find ink solutions for my Epson. Long story long I have refillable ink cartridges and bulk ink (and save a fortune!!) and the current ink I have looks the best yet. However, I just haven’t been able to get the printables with the lighter colors, like above, to print well. I print double sided as well and so sometimes it’s just a little much to work
I know in the past you’ve had Black & White printables for some and def don’t want you to create one for all the rest!! Do you have many that are darker colors or B&W you could post? I don’t want to create work for you….especially with your output! Thank you
Hi Jamie, unfortunately right now I don’t have those ones in a darker colour. However, I will add them to my list of ones to make a black and white version of. I’m not sure when I’ll have those finished, but I will for sure add them to my list.