Busy Days and Two Free Printables
Good morning everyone, happy last weekend before Christmas. Are you all set for the big day? We are going to be brave souls and venture out for one more shopping forray today …. hopefully I retain my sanity throughout. I’m sorry yesterday’s post didn’t go up as planned. I was at the school with Liam for his Christmas party. It was a lot of fun, the kids spent the morning doing crafts, having some fabulous snacks and then the kids performed some Christmas carols. We missed the carols, as Liam was nibbling on the goodies for snack time he told me he was feeling kind of tired, and asked to go home. Poor guy! He made the right call though, because we got home and he spent most of the afternoon laying down. At least he was able to see his friends and his teacher and wish them a Merry Christmas, and he was able to take part in some of the holiday fun. This cold is not a nice one, I’m hoping it goes away soon.
So, between craft morning and still sick Liam (and a still kind of sick me) I just didn’t make it onto the computer yesterday, and I’m very sorry about that. Busy days tend to make my head spin. I find that on those days I need to pay extra attention to how I’m using my time. Most often, those days find me reaching for a blank sheet of paper, where I proceed to fill it with lists, sectioned off by category, and a plan for the day. Last week, as I was doing my usual scribble, it dawned on me that maybe having a daily planner page in my personal planner would be a good thing. I know I won’t use the daily one every day, but having it for those days I do need it would be a huge help. And so, my daily planner page was born.
This is sort of a window into my brain. I use this one two different ways. On days when I’m feeling particularly scattered; when I know I’m going to have to dig deep to find any kind of productivity, I use the category boxes to list the items that MUST be done that day. Then I schedule them into the day planner on the left side. I use the to do list for any items that I feel need to be done, but don’t quite meet the MUST stage qualifications.
On days when I’m not feeling quite so scattered, I use the boxes to keep track of things that I want to do over and above the normal. Perhaps it’s something like “plan a family game night for later in the week” or maybe it’s something I noticed around the house like “clean vent in half bath”. I guess you could say that on these days, I use the boxes as a sort of secondary planner.
Now, I know that not everyone wants so much on a daily planner page, so I thought I would make a simpler one for those of you who just want a simple day planner.

This one is kind of a two in one. You would use it as it is, two days on one page, or you can use for a half sized planner for in a mini binder. With the half page planner in mind, I took care to possition the two days so that you had two ways of putting it together. You can print doubled sided and using a paper cutter, cut the pages down the middle. (straight down the middle) Or, if printing double sided isn’t an option, you can simply fold the page in half. Hole punch and you’re ready to go.
To grab your copy click the pictures! And that pretty much concludes the planner part of the personal planner. I have a few more printables to share next week. Because of all the holidays this coming week, and the switch over to WordPress (I’ll announce the exact date on Monday) I’ll be sharing the rest of the planner printables later in the week next week, and I’ll share the post of how I put it all together first thing in the new year.
Can you believe how fast the month is going by? Are you all ready for Christmas? Are you ready to say good bye to 2012?
I got 2 words for you…..THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you for the variety, the generosity, and ease of printing!! One of the only sites I have found that you can just click on the dang picture you want to print and hit print, then lo and behold-it comes out, as promised, as pictured, perfect everytime!! Your website is beautiful also and super organized. I love every single one of your printables and I have finally found a variety of pages that make sense to me and are layed out the way my mind works. You have a follower for life!!
=)Rebecca M
Hi Rebecca, you are very welcome. Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m thrilled that you’re finding the printables easy to get to and print and that you’re enjoying the variety here. I hope you find some that will fit your planning and organizing needs.
I love your printables!! (they used to be easier to find) but its worth the search!
Hi Valerie, I’m thrilled that you like the printables. I’m terribly sorry about how hard the website is to navigate, the search function is supposed to make it easier, but sometimes it gets flaky. It’s actually something I’m working really hard on this week to try to make things easier to navigate.