Out of the Chaos….

Have you ever looked around your home or your life and wondered when it all got so chaotic?  Felt overwhelmingly helpless or frustratingly confused by what you see or by wondering hoe you got there?  Well, you’re not alone.  I’m there right now.  Actually, here and I could be considered very good friends.  You see,…

Five Random Things:  vol 2

Five Random Things: vol 2

  —  One  — I have never, as in EVER, been on a roller coaster.  I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing or a good thing.   —  Two  — I have watched the entire series of Buffy twice since discovering it was on Netflix Canada.  Once just cause I could, and the second…

Weekend Fun with Family

Hi everyone!  I hope you all had a fantastic Easter Weekend!  I know we sure did!  We had a little taste of summer with beautiful sunny skies and temperatures that crept right up into the low 20’s (Celsius).  My Mom and Dad were down visiting for the weekend and it was sooooo good to see…

HUGE Thank You to GoDaddy!

HUGE Thank You to GoDaddy!

I just wanted to send out a HUGE thank you to the wonderful people at GoDaddy, especially their fabulous support team.  Each and everyone of you are angels! So, why the shout out?  As some of you may have noticed, we’ve been having some technical issues.  Mostly they happened on the back end of things,…

Google Reader Going Away

Have you heard the news? Yesterday, Google announced that they are taking Google Reader away.  You can read their brief announcement here, on their Official Google Reader blog.   To find out what other Google services are being axed during their second spring cleaning, head on over to this post to read more.   What does…