Growing an Office

This was supposed to be yesterday’s post, but I ran into some troubles.  Really, the first clue that all was not going to go smoothly should have been the thought “I’ll just quickly whip this up in Gimp!”  Ha!  First, I don’t know Gimp well enough to quickly do the simplest things in it, and…

The Beginning of my Office

I have been busy organizing some of the areas in our home.  I’m working out some of the kinks with our systems, and having a ton of fun doing it.  The last couple of days I’ve spent working in one area that I’ve been longing to get started on: my office/craft space.  Right now there…

Good Reads for Organzing

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, so please welcome back the I read a lot!  As in, normally, I’ve got a couple of books on the go, plus I spend at least 2 hours a day reading online.  Whether it’s some of the fabulous blogs out there, tutorials, news, emails ……

Pantry Pandering

Last week, I took some time to get our pantry reorganized.  When we first moved in, I loosely organized it by sort of grouping like items together.  It was a quick fix until I had time to a) see how it functioned and how we used it; and b) pull everything out and put it…