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Blast From the Past – August’s Reader Faves

Summer starts coming to a close, new school years are starting, and if you pay attention the days are slowly getting shorter. August is here and with it comes transition and a return to structure and routine.

According to the top posts and pages for August in years gone by, strengthening routines, refreshing planners, and getting ready for the end of the year are what many people are focusing on right now.

Whether you’re looking to build some effective new routines, set up a planner for the rest of the year or get a jump start on holiday planning, August’s Reader Faves have you covered!

The top two thirds of this tall rectangular image are divided into a three skinny rectangle collage. The left photo shows a weekly planner page in a brown leather planner. The centre image shows a habit building worksheet in a teal leather planner. The third is a photo of student daily or weekly planner in a brown leather planner. Overlapping the bottom of the collage is a banner that looks like it's made from torn paper. On it it says "Blast from the Past - August's Reader Faves" and under it are three partial rectangles that line up with the images above. The left is a medium yellow, the middle is a light aqua, and the last is a peachy coral.

What is Blast From the Past?

I’m glad you asked!

The Blast From the Past series is that features a collection of posts and pages that have hit my monthly top 20-50 posts in previous years. I always find it interesting to see which content stands the test of time and which comes and goes. The five pieces of content I’m sharing each month will be a mix of both.

Now let’s hop on down to the good stuff!

August’s Reader Favourites

I have come to love putting these posts together. It’s so much fun to see what you’ve been enjoying and it’s kind of nice to take a look at posts and printables that I may have forgotten about.

August’s joy came when I took a look at the holiday planner page. It was a bit of a hodge-podge, but there were printables on there that I hadn’t thought about in years. Giving that page a update and restructuring was a lot of fun.

How about we hop on down the page and check out the posts (and the holiday planner collection) that seem to be popular this month.

(As always click the images or the links below to check out the updated original posts and pages.)

Got a Busy Week? There’s a Printable for That!

Originally published December 11, 2012, I can’t believe this post is still getting love almost 12 years later. How wild is it that this post still hits the top 20 all these years later? It was one of the first post I published on WordPress and I can still remember how excited I was that readers could now download printables directly from my site. Blogger (the platform I started on) didn’t offer that as an option.

These weekly planners are simple, but colourful. They were designed during a time before there were a plethora of options for planner layouts. I was still getting a feel for my design program and figuring out how best to set things up.

But still, it was a fun post to write and I’m happy to be sharing it with you again. There are two layouts to choose from, a landscape and a portrait version. Both are lined, Monday start, weekly planners that only come in letter size. Hop on over and check them out if you’d like.

This tall, rectangle image has a pale tan background. At the very top in dark green, sans serif text is the label "Planners and Planning." Beneath that is a photo of a brown leather disc bound planner lying on a wooden desk. There planner is rotated into a landscape orientation with the disc near the top of the photo. The bottom part of the planner shows a weekly planner page in horizontal layout. Overlapping the photo and the bottom of the rectangle image is a large beige text box with the title "Got a Busy Week? There's a Printable for That!!" writing in a dark grey, serif font.

Check out some of my earliest weekly planners in the Got a Busy Week? post

Building New Habits for an Awesome New Year!!!!

My love of habit building is nothing new. This post comes to us from January 11, 2018 and I love that it hits the top 20 every August (and other months) every year since it was published. This printable is such a handy little tool to have on hand.

If you have a hard time creating new habits that stick, check out this post and the planner. It was created to help make building a habit easier by giving you a framework to really think about the habit you’re trying to build, what purpose it serves, and to reflect on how it’s going. Sometimes we need to make changes and tweaks to make a habit really work well for us.

You can find both the letter and half letter version of the habit builder/tracker over on the post. And if you’d like to see this created to fit one of the other printable collection designs, let me know which one in comments down below.

This image is in portrait orientation. The top two third are a photo that shows a teal and white leather like planner taking up the right bottom two thirds of the photo. The planner is open to show a worksheet for helping you create new habits. Overlapping the last third of the image and the photo is a think beige rectangle with white, sans serif text that says "Routine Building". Under that on a tan background, in green, serif text, is the title "Building New Habits."

Check out the Building New Habits for an Awesome New Year!!!! post to download a copy of the printables.

Building Effective Routines that Work for You

Time management tools seem to be the popular choice for August. As far as tools go, routines really do top the list of ways to manage your time. But not all routines are created equal. If you’ve ever felt like you were slogging your way through your routines – this post is for you.

I, myself, read this post almost once every year since I published it back in February 2019. Routine are great, but effective routines are even better. These are the routines that we just seem to flow through. They feel natural, and work for us rather than against us. This is how we make room for things we enjoy.

If you want to learn about creating effective routine that are tailored just for you, then maybe this post is for you.

This tall, rectangle image has a pale tan background. At the very top in dark green, sans serif text is the label "Routine Building." Beneath that is a photo of a pale blush pink alarm clock with a black faceplate, white numbers, and silver accents. It's lying on a deeper pink background. Overlapping the photo and the bottom of the rectangle image is a large beige text box with the title "Building Effective Routines that Work for You!" writing in a dark grey, serif font.

Find my tips and suggestions for building routines by heading on over to the Effective Routine Building post.

Simple Daily Planners for Students – Now in the Understated Rainbow Collection

The Simple Daily Planners for Students are a pair of printables that were designed to be flexible so that students could use them in the way that works best for them. These particular versions were shared on the blog back on July 15 2021.

As one of the most popular printable designs here on Scattered Squirrel you can find a ton more printables to match these ones. You can find them over on the Understated Rainbow Collection page.

With school years starting or already under way, it’s not too surprising that a post with tools for students would hit top list for August. As I mentioned there are two different day planners in this post.

You can see one in the picture below, which has room for organizing the day by time. The other one was designed as a daily planner, but it could also work as a weekly one. Hop on over to check them out.

Keep track of school assignments, tests, and classes with the help of these two simple daily planners designed with students in mind. They're customizable and adaptable so they'll fit your planning needs, even if those needs change over time.

The Simple Daily Planners for Students post has the student planner printables in it.

Holiday Planner Collection

Last but not least we have the Holiday Planner Collection. This page was full of a few surprises for me. Not only was in desperate need of being organized and updated, but there were printables that I had forgotten about or hadn’t thought of in years.

Ones like the Easter Egg Hunt planner seen in the picture below and the Canada Day and Fourth of July BBQ planners. In addition to planner printables I also have some holiday inspired list printables.

And not to sound too nostalgic, but this was on of the first pages I created here on WordPress. I published it waaaay back on November 27, 2012. At the time it was just the Christmas season holiday planners that were on it. Over the years, other holidays have been added.

It was nice to give it a refresh and make it easier to navigate so you can find the planner printables that will fit your holiday planning needs. And if there’s a holiday planner you’d like to see offered, leave me a comment below and let me know!

This image is a tall, pale tan rectangle. At the top it reads "Holiday Planning" in green text. Below that is a picture of a brown leather planner lying open on a wooden desktop. It shows the right side of the planner which has an Easter Egg Hunt planning page. Overlapping a small portion of the center of the picture is a beige box with dark text that says "Holiday Planner Printables."

Click here to check all the Holiday Planners!

This concludes our look back for August! I’m curious, were you here back in the Blogger days? Whether you were or not, I’d love to hear which post or page was your favourite out of this round up! Drop me a line in the comments or come on over to the Facebook group, and let’s keep this conversation going.

Before You Go

Have you heard that there’s a Facebook group just for us squirrelies? Come on over and check out the Scatter-Brain’s Guide group. We chat planners, organizing, vote on designs, and, on occasion, I even share exclusive printables that you won’t find anywhere else.

It’s loads of fun and it’s free! Click the button below to check it out.

Until next time,

Happy Printing!!!

This tall rectangle image begins with a 4 square grid collage that makes up the top two thirds of the rectangle. From left to right, top to bottom, the photos in the collage include: A brown planner showing a Valentine's Day activity planner; a brown planner showing a weekly planning page; a teal and white planner showing a simple student planner; and a brown planner showing a Thanksgiving planner page. The bottom third looks like torn white paper over an orange background which just peeps through along the bottom. Down the left are four smallish circles in magenta, orange, yellow, and aqua. Text on the white paper back ground says "Blast from the Past" in orange, sans serif text and "August's Reader Faves" in yellow, chunky, sans serif text

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One Comment

  1. I enjoy these round-ups. It is so interesting what remains popular for so many years. Thanks for putting these together!

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