Organize All Your Important Information in One Easy to Access Place
Welcome back to the Home and Life Companion series. After a bit of a hiatus and a little revisioning, I’m happy to be brining it back. Today I’m sharing some home management printables that were designed to help you organize and store important information for your home.
Organizing all your important information, such as emergency contacts, in one place makes finding it when you need it so much easier. Faster too.
If you only put together one section in your Home and Life Companion, the Important Information section is the one to choose. Keep on scrolling to check out the printables that will help you do just that.

Welcome to the Home and Life Companion Series
The Home and Life Companion series, is a year-long series that aims to provide helpful printables for organizing various aspects of our lives. Each month, a different section will be featured, this month we’re focusing on the Important Information section.
The printables are inspired by your requests first, followed by updated versions of previously shared printables, and a few new ones added to the mix.

The Important Information Section
When it comes to our families and homes, all information can feel like its important. So how do we choose what is and isn’t important?
I think of it in two ways. Firstly, what information do I or my family need in case of an emergency? When I originally created this section my kids were a lot younger than they are now. But it was important to me that any information they might need in an emergency was easy to find.
This information included our address, mine and my husband’s phone numbers, family numbers, etc…. I also included any numbers I might want to have on hand in an emergency.
Next, I considered all the the information I might need to have on hand for an urgent or routine situation. Things like a leak or other home situation, mechanical issues, making routine appointments, and so on.
Finally, I asked myself, “If something happened to me and I needed someone to step into my shoes, what information would they need to help them help us?” It’s not something we like to think about, but accidents happen.
Health issues happen.
Family emergency happen.
And when they do, sometimes we need someone else to help us. And for them to be able to do that, they need access to information. What information depends on you and your families needs.
The printables I made for this section are all updated versions of ones I’ve already shared on the blog. But I am happy to add to this collection. You can find out how to submit requests at the end of this post.
Let’s check out the printables shall we?
Emergency Contacts
First up we have the emergency contacts page. This is just what it says it is, a page with emergency contact information on it.
The top section is for information like home phone and address and parent’s phone numbers. In the middle we have emergency service numbers like police, fire, ambulance, etc… And finally we have room for other important numbers, such as grandparents, friends, whoever you think needs to be front and centre.
I like to keep this page at the front of my Home and Life Companion book. In the past, when my kids were younger I also kept a copy on our command centre and by where we typically charged our phones. It’s super helpful for babysitters too. Everything they need to know is right there.
As always you can choose from letter or half-size. Each of these printables also comes with lined notes pages incase you would like to include other information with it.
Important Contacts
Whether we own or rent our homes, whether we’re parents or not, there are an awful lot of numbers we really should have on hand. Even though smart phones mean we can keep them all with us or look them up when we need them, having them written somewhere else can be helpful too.
That where the important contacts pages come in. They feature a list of people and services you might need numbers too. Everything from mortgage company to different medical services is on these sets.
Each set also has a room for more numbers so you customize them to fit your own unique situation.
One set is for home owners, the other for renters, and they come with your choice of full or half letter size.
Emergency contacts and Important Contacts Sets
Well, this one really doesn’t need much explanation at all. It’s simply the emergency contacts and the important contacts printables combined together.
This way, if you want both, you only need to download one file.
Just like above, you can choose from home owners or renters versions in both full and half letter size.
Important Accounts
Last but not least, we have the important accounts printable. This is just as it sounds, a place to keep information about your important accounts.
Now, an important account could be anything you want. Here are a few suggestions of ones I store here.
- utilities like electric and heat
- water company
- phone company
- insurance (home and auto)
- banking info
- medical insurance / extended medical
- cable or streaming services
- internet provider
For some of these things I don’t keep the user names or passwords on the sheet. I store those somewhere else. But basically, I keep a list of any account we might need to access at some point.
A friend of mine prints one page for each of her kids and uses them to keep track of their log ins for websites, apps, and game services that they use. So there are many ways you could use this page.
Like all the rest, they come with your choice of full or half letter size.
Until Next Time
I hope that you found the printables here a helpful starting point for your important information section. Sometimes just getting started is the hardest part of creating something like a Home and Life Companion. Please check back, as I’ll be adding any of your requested printables to this post.
Speaking of your requests, now that you’ve had a chance to think about it, if there are any other printables you’d like to see included in the Important Information section? Please feel free to submit your requests using the button below. Or if you don’t feel like hopping over to fill out the form, leave me a comment below and let me know what you’re looking for.
Have you joined The Scatter-Brain’s Guide Facebook group yet? As a member of the group you get access to member exclusives like printables that won’t be shared on the blog. As well as the chance to vote in polls for which category we should tackle next. Click the button below to join. It’s free and we would love to have you!
I can’t wait to see how everyone uses the printables in this series. If you happen to share on social media and want to tag me, you can use #scatteredsquirrelprintables or #hlc11. I’ll be checking in on both of those.
Until next time,
Happy Printing!!