Daily Planner for Students
Students have a lot to keep track of, especially high school and college/university students. Finding the right planner to fit those needs can be a challenge. That’s why I’m so excited to share today’s Reader Requested, a simple daily planner for students.
A daily planner for students is sure to be a great addition to any student planner.

It’s been a long time since I was a student, at least in a formal setting. I can research student planners and reader reviews looking for clues as to how best to make a planner that fits a student’s need, but it is not the same as knowing exactly what is needed.
It’s one of the many reasons why I appreciate all the printable requests you send in. They help me create printables that you need and that will hopefully work well for you. Especially when they’re for something I don’t have any personal or current experience with.
Today’s Reader Requested printable is a great example of that.
A Simple Daily Planner for Students
Today’s request comes from Bailey, who was looking for a daily planner that would help her keep on track with her courses and certain categories in her life.
She needed a daily planner with six sections and was looking for something that had checkboxes and lines in each section. Aside from that, the only other thing she required was somewhere near the top to include the date.
It’s a very simple concept that has the potential for huge impact. It’s one of those planner pages I wish I’d had back in my school days. It makes so much sense to be able to plan and make notes based on what class you’re in at the time.
More About the Printables
I took Bailey’s request and made exactly what she asked for. No tweaks or changes. The only difference between the ones I’m sharing here and the ones I sent to her are these ones have no prewritten lables and the colours are different.
Just as I do with most of my printables, I made these ones in both half and full-size. I used the same design and colour pallet that I used for the new 2019-2020 Academic calendars. I thought it might be nice if all the printables matched.
The planner page is divided into six, equal-sized boxes, that have a space to label the box and a checklist underneath. I opted to leave the boxes blank to allow for more freedom with how you use these planners. Not all students take the same subjects or need to have a planning space for all subjects.
Though these were designed as daily planners for students, you really could use these printable in so many different ways.
Both sizes come with two pages for easy double-sided printing.
I love the idea of having room for each subject or category and while these started as a daily planner printables for students, you could easily use these in many other ways. The simple design allows for freedom and customization to tailor each day to fit your needs.
Some of the other ways I’ve considered using them are:
- organize a to-do list by categories such as home, yard, work, school
- assign chores to family members
- keep track of to-do list tasks for family members
- as weekly to-do list assigning each box a day of the week
- grocery list with different sections being different categories like dairy, meat, produce
I’m sure there are many more ways I haven’t even though of yet. I can’t wait to see how you use them. Be sure to use the hashtag #scatteredsquirrelprintables or tag me on social media so I can check out your posts.
Send in Your Own Request
Is there a printable or planner page you’ve been looking for but haven’t found? Perhaps there is a printable I already offer that works great, you just wish it was a different colour or that there were a few things changed up on them?
Well, click the button below and fill out the form to send in your request. I can’t guarantee I’ll get to all the requests, but I will do my absolute best to try to get to as many as I can.
I love these! I homeschool and I’m going to use them for the weekly assignments for my girl. My only problem is that when I print it the colors are very light- I almost can’t see it on the page. Do you have any suggestions how to make it print darker?
Hi Kelsey, thank you so much for your feedback I really do appreciate it. The colours I picked for the Coastal Dreams collection are light. They printed fine when I tested them, but I’m even finding them light when I print them for using in my planner. I’m already working on next year’s design and it will be much bolder with the colours. I found that playing with the colour settings on my printer worked to make them darker, another one that also worked was to have them print in black, not grey scale. If you’re printer has these settings, maybe test a few out and see if it works. I’m so sorry they’re too light.