Home Management Month!

Hi everyone!  I hope this post finds you well and happy.  Can you believe the first week of the new year is almost over?  Time really does fly!  I’m slowly finding my rhythm again after the holidays, how about you?  New years are wonderful things aren’t they?  They’re a fresh start; a great time to tackle a project we’ve been putting off.  It’s also the time of year when most people seem to get caught by the organizing bug.  I’m no exception.  This time of year I feel the need to get everything fine tuned, redesigned, freshened up, however you want to name it.  This year, I’m trying a more practical approach rather than my usual, fly by the seat of my pants norm.  I’m starting with my


Home Management Binder Series


It’s the last one on the list in the Three Months of Printables, and for me, it feels like it is exactly the right one to start the new year with.  If you’ve been reading the blog for a while now, you know that I’m a big believer in finding what works best for YOU!  What works for me, might not work for you, and I’m incredibly mindful of that.  I hope that in the coming month I’m able to think outside my box to offer some printables that will appeal to many of you.  And I’m hoping you’ll chime in, whether in the comments, through social media, or via email, to let me know if I’m on the right track, missing something you would like to see included, or even just to say hi!

When I first thought up this idea, my intention had been to do a simple update of my HMB.  However, after thinking it over, I think it’s time for a total revamp.  I’ve decided to give each section its own post, and in the post I’ll include the downloads for all the printables I’m using, and any that I make that I might not use, but I think you might find useful.  Most likely, they’ll be a mix of new and old, and if you don’t want to wait for me, you can hop on over to the Home Management Printable page to check out what’s already there.

Here are the sections I’ll be working on (in no particular order):

  • Family
  • Finance
  • Kids
  • Home Care
  • Important Info
  • Planning

I can’t wait to get started on this.  Just like with my Personal Planner, getting the HMB all set up for the new year is going to go a long way to helping me feel more in control and a little less scattered as this year progresses.

What about you?  What sections do you include in your Home Management system?  Do you use a binder?  A tickler file?  Something else completely?

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