Day 2:  Taking Inventory

Day 2: Taking Inventory

  How did everyone make out yesterday?  Did anyone else create a plan of attack for organizing their kitchen?  I know a number of you really liked the personalized cover page.  If you put in a request for one yesterday hang on, because as soon as I’m finished here I’ll be getting those sent out…

Kids in the Kitchen

October is going to be kitchen month around here, and this bundle of e-books was the perfect reminder that I need to keep the kids in mind while I’m organizing and creating cooking and cleaning routines. We find that we’re making more and more foods ourselves, and relying less and less on store bought items….

Life’s Too Short….

Life’s Too Short….

… to Fold Fitted Sheets   It’s been a while since I’ve done of these posts, but after reading this book, I just couldn’t wait to tell you all about it.  I saw the book Life’s Too Short to Fold Fitted Sheets by Lisa Quinn at my local library and had to check it out.  The…

Just the Two of Us!

Well, so much for my Monday-Wednesday-Friday posting goal, at least for this week.  I can’t really complain or beat myself up about it too much because I had the best reason for not reaching it.  Travis’s work schedule is 6 and 3, meaning he works 6 days and is off for 3.  This time around…

… Comes Order

****Apparently, the ‘Save Draft’ button is not the same as the ‘Publish’ button.  Who knew?  🙂  Sorry this didn’t go out yesterday as it was supposed to!****   Yesterday I shared with you all how sometime things get crazy and chaotic in my little world, and I ended the post by telling you that it…