Back to School
Some years we long for it, and others we wish it could stay away, but as the lazy days of summer start to shorten and autumn grows closer in comes Back to School season. And before we know it, we’re getting our kiddos ready for another school year. Some of us are prepping for public or private school, others are getting ready for a new home school year. And others haven’t stopped schooling! It can be a crazy time, so I compiled a list of posts that I hope you find helpful this Back to School season.

Getting Ready for Back to School
With the end of summer break comes the inevitable change in routine. Switching back over to a school morning routine can be tough for a lot of us. Here’s a list of my top ten tips for surviving school day mornings.
A new school year usually means that the structure of our days and weeks have changed. Now is a good time to revisit family chores and create a system that will work with your family needs and schedule over the next year. I have a printable that I use to help us stay on track with ours. You can check it out in the following post.
Get ready for the new school year with the help of my Mom’s Back to School Checklist. This handy little printable has a list of things you might need or want to do to get ready for the school year before it starts.
Click Here to Find the Checklist
While you’re busy getting the kids all set up for back to school time, don’t forget to set yourself up too! Back to school can be a great time for us parents to stock up on some much needed supplies. Not only will you find great deals on typical school supplies, you can also find some good savings on organizing products, especially products aimed for dorm use.
There are so many details to keep track of when getting the kiddos ready for a new school year. From supplies needed, to new clothes, not to mention school information and schedules – it can be chaotic. That’s why I created some printables to help keep track of all of those details.
Click Here to See The Printables
Student Planner Printables
The beginning of a new school year is a great time to set up a planner for your kids. They can use a planner to keep track of homework assignments, school projects, or even just to jot down things they want to remember.
This first set of printables was designed for younger kids. I realize they may not need to plan much, but these are a great way to introduce your kiddos to the idea of a planner.
These next ones were designed with older kids in mind. There’s a little more planning room on the pages and there is a little more structure to the planners. Also included in the post is a homework/school project planning printable that might come in handy for those larger assignments. This ones offers more room for planning a specific project, including a space to break the assignment down into smaller steps.
Last, but not least, are the class schedule and reference printables. These ones will probably be more helpful for highschool and middle school students who are managing multiple classes each semester. The reference sheet is a great way for your kids to keep track of which teachers they have and also what each teacher requires or expects from their students. This can come in handy when teachers have different requirements regarding homework and other things.
I’m constantly working on new content, so though we’ve reached the end of the page, more will be coming. In the mean time, you can check out my Back to School Pinterest board for more ideas.