just five random facts

Five Random Things: vol 2

  —  One  — I have never, as in EVER, been on a roller coaster.  I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing or a good thing.   —  Two  — I have watched the entire series of Buffy twice since discovering it was on Netflix Canada.  Once just cause I could, and the second…

Time Management Series, make time for you! | ScatteredSquirrel.com

Make Time for You!

A few months ago I started a series on Time Management, where I was sharing any tips and tricks I picked up along the way to getting my routines reworked.  In case you missed them, here are the links to the other posts:  Time Management: The Series, Time Management: The List, Time Management: Prioritize, Time Management: Back to…

Easy DIY Jewelry Organizer | ScatteredSquirrel.com

Easy, DIY Jewelry Organizer

Can you believe July is half way over already?  Where oh where does the time go?  I’ve been keeping busy by tackling all the little organizing projects that sort of got pushed aside throughout the school year.  And I’m FINALLY tackling our master closet.  I’ve been wanting to get in there for a while, and…