New Academic Calendar Printables for 2022-2023!!
The 2022-2023 academic calendar printables are here! This means my favourite time of year on the blog is here as well. I love this time because not only do I get to share the new calendars with you, I get to introduce you to the design for the new printable collection.
Last year I refreshed and shared one of my older designs. It was fun to bring it back and share it all again. It also made designing these new calendars a ton of fun. I can’t wait for you to see them, so how about we just jump to it?

Introducing The Academic Calendar Printables
Whenever I sit down to design a new collection, one of the first steps I take is to look at feedback and requests that you send to me. I keep a running list of them in my planner because I like to try to give you printables you’ll love and that will be useful for you. It’s impossible to create something that lives up to all the requests, so I try to focus on different ones each year.
In the last couple of years, the most requested changes were creating printables that are neutral in colour and ones that are more gender-neutral. This gave me a place to start pulling colour and font ideas from.
I was really struggling with the colour palette. I LOVE colour, so I didn’t just want to design something that was black and white or in greyscale. Then one day, I was taking our dogs out for a walk and inspiration hit. We like to wander on wooded trails in our area and I was struck by how pretty the greens and browns looked, especially with the snow and the overcast sky.
I got home and the design for the calendars and the new printable collection finally came together. Inspired by our walk I created a colour palette of greens and browns. Lending a pop of subtle colour to each month, but still keeping the tones neutral.
I was also inspired by the simplicity of planner designs this year. Clean lines, classic fonts … it felt like this was the right direction to take. And so the new calendars and thus, the new printable collection was created. I’m calling it Forest Simplicity, and I hope that you love it as much as I do.
2022-2023 Academic Calendars
Before I share the calendars there are a couple of changes that I wanted to highlight so there are no surprises. I posted a question in the Facebook group and used the feedback to make some small changes to the calendars.
You can join the Facebook group by clicking this link –> The Scatter-Brain’s Guide Facebook Group
The first change is that the monthly calendars now start with the year on a page calendar instead of an almost blank cover page. The second change is that the last page of each calendar is now a dot grid. Lastly, I had to make some changes to the half-size calendars, so if you like using them, make sure to read the printing instructions before you print.
Two-Pages Per Month Academic Calendar Printables
I’m kicking off this calendar showcase with the layout that is always the most popular. It’s not hard to see why. The month on two pages calendars offer lots of room for planning your month, especially for those who prefer the half-letter size.
In the Forest Simplicity design, each month offers lots of room for notes. The empty date boxes are replaced with lined sections in addition to the notes column on the far right.
As always you have your choice of a Monday or Sunday start day.
There are no special printing instructions for the letter-size version. If your printer has a duplex option, just be sure to select the Long-Edge Binding or Flip on the Long-Edge option.
Printing the half-size version is a little different than in the past couple of years. This year I have them designed on letter paper like I used to do. However, the layout of the pages was done so that you can still create a booklet from them if you’d like.
Printing Instructions for the Half-Size Two Pages per Month Calendars
For those who want to print them double-sided.
- Open the file in your PDF reader.
- Select Two-Sided or Double Sided if you have a duplexer, or select Odd Pages if you manually flip.
- If your printer has a duplexer, be sure that Short-Edge binding or Flip on Short Edge is selected.
- Print.
- If you need to manually flip your pages, do that now and the print Even Pages.
- Cut in half and punch as normal OR fold in half to create a booklet.
For those that want to print them single-sided, you just need to press print. Cut and punch as normal.
Single Page Per Month Academic Calendar Printables
Up next we have the single page per month calendars. I love this layout. Usually I print both the letter and half-letter size versions. I use the letter-size one on my command centre and the half-letter is fabulous for posting in my office. It’s also the perfect size to hang in a locker so it’s a great fit for students or anyone who has lockers at work.
When printing the letter size calendars, if you’re wanting to duplex print I prefer to use the Long-Edge Binding or Flip on Long-Edge option, but you can also use the Short-Edge Binding or Flip on Short-Edge option.
Printing Instructions for the Half-Size Single Page per Month Calendars
These print the same as the two-page ones, but I’ll share the instructions here too.
For those who want to print them double-sided.
- Open the file in your PDF reader.
- Select Two-Sided or Double Sided if you have a duplexer, or select Odd Pages if you manually flip.
- If your printer has a duplexer, be sure that Short-Edge binding or Flip on Short Edge is selected.
- Print.
- If you need to manually flip your pages, do that now and the print Even Pages.
- Cut in half and punch as normal OR fold in half to create a booklet.
For those that want to print them single-sided, you just need to press print. Cut and punch as normal.
Tell Me What You Think
That concludes the collection of academic calendar printables for this year. The matching planning pages will start rolling out over the next few weeks. In the mean time I would love to hear your thoughts on the calendars.
What do you think of the colours? I tried to pick shades of green that were a little more on the neutral side so that they would work with washi tape or stickers. Is the design too sparse? Or do you like the white space?
Drop me a line in the comments or join us in The Scatter-Brain’s Guide Facebook group and let me know what you think.
Until next time,
Happy Printing.

When will you be creating 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 academic calendars? I love your design and would love to use them for the next few years.
Hi Stephen, I typically share new academic year calendars in April or May of that year and calendar year calendars in September. So, I won’t have 2023-24 ready until April next year, and the next one the following year. I hope that helps.
These are really beautiful and helpful, however when printing the landscape half size, I found that the months of April and March and May and June are printed in reverse. April comes before March and June comes before May. I printed them double sided.
Hi Shelly, I am so sorry about that. I didn’t even realize that the months were out of order. Thank you so much for letting me know. The files have been fixed.
I just found your site today and this is awesome! You have done some beautiful work.
Have you ever thought of adding lines to the monthly calendars that are two pages?
Hi Lynn, thank you so much and welcome! I’m thrilled that you’re enjoying my site. I actually did try that this year, but it only really worked well on the letter size two page per month ones. I couldn’t get the spacing right on the single page calendar and on the half-size they were either too squishy or too cramped. I’m mulling over some options for the next round of calendars in April.
Love your calendars! I’ve been using them for several years. The full size two page monthly calendars don’t seem to print right. The month pages are out of order.
Hi Sara, thanks for letting me know. When you print them, are you printing the full file, including the year on a page? I haven’t been able to duplicate the problem, but if you can share some more details I’m happy to try to help figure this out.
For many years, I’ve been one of your faithful followers, as well as a user of your planner pages – great products!! I use the half letter size two-page per month layout. This may be too large a task to request for current production of 2023 products, but going forward, would you consider making the font for the daily numerical dates bolder or a tad larger? The eyeballs just aren’t what they used to be!!! Thanks for you consideration.
Hi Reecer, thank you so much for your kind words. It is too late for the 2023 calendars, but I’m happy to put that on my list for next year’s academic and the 2024 calendars.
I have just found your website and I love it! I printed both the 2023 calendar and the 22-23 academic calendar half size two-page month calendars and they are not printing correctly. I printed double sided, flip on short side, and each month is printing on the same side of the page, not on the opposite facing pages, so you have to flip the page to see the entire month. I ran a test print in flip in long side and they print on the correct sides, but of course upside down from each other.
Hi Anna, thank you so much for letting me know about this. I just printed both the Sunday and Monday start ones and they printed correctly for me, but I’m bound and determined to figure out why they didn’t for you. Are you printing the whole document?