Office Project: A DIY Whiteboard
Happy Monday everyone! I have only one thing to say… My hedgehog ate my post! Ok, so it’s not fair to blame the mix up on him, but I’m not sure where it went. It was here yesterday, waiting to go out this morning, and now it’s gone! Technology and me are not getting along lately. That’s ok though, it just means I get to share a new project with you, my DIY whiteboard for my office!
It’s been almost a full year since I moved my office out of our dining room. Since then I’ve been trying to figure out the best place for it, and I think I’ve finally hit on the right spot. I had have a post planned to show you how I’ve got it all set up but today I wanted to share a project I’m pretty excited about, my DIY Whiteboard. I have been LONGING for large chalkboards for in my office. I have the perfect wall picked out and everything. Being renters, I can’t just paint the walls in question as much as I would love too, so I’m looking into other options that will not cost a fortune. In the mean time, I decided to jump on the DIY wagon and make myself a whiteboard. I already had all the supplies I needed on hand, so this project cost me nothing but time, a whole 5 minutes.
I have two of these gold frames, which are the perfect size for jotting a few things. I knew I wanted one for lists and one for a calendar or planner of some kind, so I wanted to make sure the background wasn’t too busy. For the list one I opted for two tones, a light purple at the top to tie in to my office colors and white, because my markers show up best on the white. I just used scrapbook paper, but you could use wrapping paper, wall paper, vinyl, fabric… anything really.
I opted to keep things really simple, and make the white section 12 inches because that’s what the scrapbook paper was, and use the purple to fill in the top part. I used the glass from the frame as my guide and secured the purple paper in place with painters tape because it was the first roll I laid hands on. Then I flipped it over, put everything back together and I had this….
The purple section is where I can put a title on my list, or a focus word, or something to remind me what the list is for. I couldn’t wait to start using it!
So, even though it’s not hung up yet, it’s already helping me get things done! As far a projects go, making a DIY whiteboard was one of the easiest I’ve done! Seriously, if you have a spare picture frame lying around, give it a try!
I hope your week is getting off to a better start than mine. Have you been DIYing anything lately?