Fixing Up the Links
Happy Monday! I’m gonna just jump right into this one. Remember how one of my main reasons for the switch to WordPress was to be able to get the printables to you faster, better, and be able to fix any hiccups that happened along the way? And remember how I was sooooo excited to be able to say “just click the picture to download”? Ha ha ha ha ha! Guess the joke is on me. It appears the download links attached to the photos don’t work. This is totally my mistake. I’m still learning this new platform and all the wonderful things it does.
When I first was setting everything up, I was working with the Pages. Creating the galleries so that it was quicker and easier for you all to find what you were looking for. There was a lot of hair tearing and banging my head on the wall because the gallery didn’t link the same way as the regular pictures did. I downloaded a lovely plug-in called WP Gallery Custom Links to fix the problem. And I’m happy to report that the thumbnails in all the galleries under the Printables tabs, will take you to the downloadable file! However, somewhere along the way I missed a step with the pictures going into the posts. I didn’t realize that the Gallery Links were only good in the galleries …. yeah, you can imagine the “oh duuuu-uuuuuh” moment I had when that actually clicked in my brain!
So, to all of you who have stopped by and tried to download some of the printables, I’m really sorry that the links weren’t working. I’ve already started working on fixing them, and should have them all done by the end of the day. I’m working my way backwards from most recent all the way to the first post here on WordPress. As time allows I’m going to be updating posts from my old Blogger blog, but for right now I’m focusing on the most recent ones. In the mean time, I’ve added all the recent printables to the Home Management Gallery under the Printables tab, and you can download as many of them as you would like!
.Again, I’m so sorry that the links weren’t working. I’m still not sure how I didn’t notice it until now. Thank you for letting me know so I can fix them all A.S.A.P. As soon as I have them all updated, I’ll pop back on and let you know. If you ever come across an issue here, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
This wasn’t the post I had planned for today, but I think this take priority. Thanks so much for your patience as I work to fix this issue.
Hope each and every one of you are having a fantastic Monday!