Reader Request

Hi everyone!  I hope you all are enjoying your week.  I’m super excited about today’s post.  Like over the moon, couldn’t wait for the day to get here, counting down the minutes like it was Christmas morning, excited.  The reason I’m so excited is because this is the beginning of a new feature here on Scattered Squirrel.  It’s combining two of my all time favourite things, all of you lovely readers and more printables.

Last month when I posted about Three Months of Printables, I put it out there that I was taking requests.  I really do want to hear about what sorts of things you wish you had printables for.  I know from personal experience that there is nothing more frustrating than spending hours, days, heck even weeks, trying to find just what you’re looking for.  There are so many options out there in Blogland, in Etsy stores, or even just in the big world wide web in general.  Even with all of that, it can be hard to find just what you’re looking for.  It can be frustrating trying to make something work when it’s not quite right.  That’s why I started to make my own, and I absolutely love designing printables, and I love sharing them with all of you even more.

That brings us to the new feature here on the blog, Reader Request!  Once a month, (or more often if I get lots of requests) I will create a printable that one of you incredible people have asked for, and I’ll share it here, on the blog, for all of you to enjoy.  Now, you might wondering, “What’s the catch?”  Well, there is none.  Send me an email, leave me a comment on the blog, Facebook, Google+ or Twitter (I’m still learning Twitter, but I’m pretty sure you need to put @ScatterSquirrel in your tweet for me to get it, if I’m mistaken, please let me know. I’m still pretty Twitter illiterate) about what kind of printable you’re looking for, and I’ll see what I can come up with for you.  The only requirement is that the printable will be shared here on the blog for everyone to enjoy.  And like all the other printables here, they’ll be for personal use only.,  That’s it!

My first request is a special one.  The reader who wrote in has been with me from the very beginning, so when she left a message asking if I had a room by room cleaning check list, I couldn’t wait to jump into creative mode and put one together for her.  After chatting back and forth a bit I discovered that what she was looking for was a Room by Room daily/weekly check list that included 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, plus basement/family room.  And here is what I cooked up:

weekly cleaning schedule, free printable, home management binder, cleaning
Room By Room Weekly Cleaning
I kept it pretty simple.  A check list for each room.  I toyed with a few ideas for how to organize the rooms, and finally opted to group them by floor.  Topping the printable is the main floor rooms.  I opted to put these ones on top because our main floors tend to get the most use, they’re also the first areas most visitors see and spend time in.  It just made sense to put them up top.  And even if your home is all one level, those are the rooms that company tend to see and be in the most.  That’s followed by the upstairs.  Why did I put this one next and not the basement?  Well, typically doing the bedrooms shouldn’t take too long, and we all need a nice clean and tidy place to rest our head.  And lastly the basement.  This box/section also contains some blank spaces in case there were items I didn’t include or maybe you have a few more rooms and would like to add them.  And just for fun, I added in a simple check list of typical cleaning tools and supplies.   Ok, that’s not strictly true, it wasn’t just for fun.  I added in the bottom check list so that when you’re planning out what room/rooms you’re going to be cleaning you can quickly check to make sure you have all the supplies you need.  I thought it might be helpful.
Thank you so much to the reader who wrote in. It was so much fun to work on this for you, and I hope it was what you were looking for.  I’m truly honoured to have worked on this for you.
So there you have it, my first Reader Request feature and the printable it inspired!  As always, click the caption to snag your own copy.  This one, and all the holiday printables will be added to the Printables tab this weekend.
So what do you think?  What printable would you request if you were requesting one?

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  1. Tamera Denman says:

    I love your website, and am always excited to see new items. I like to visit several times a week. I do have one request. Is it possible to do a version of 2 Page Weekly – Half-Size in raspberry. I have the cobalt, but would love to see one in raspberry. I looked for one, but I was unable to find one. I probably just missed. Thanks in advance for your response or review.

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Tamera, I have one, but for some reason the image is missing. I’ll get those reuploaded as soon as I can. Check the Understated Rainbow page later today, and I should have them all up. So sorry about the confusion.

  2. I just wanted to let you know how amazing I think you are. Thank you so very much for all your hard work for us. I greatly love everything. Thanks

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words Karen, they really mean a lot to me. I hope you continue to enjoy the site and printables. 🙂

  3. Jessica Hall says:

    Love your printables, they have helped me organize my life a lot and I’m working on a household organizer for my older parents too and I was wondering if you could make “large print” versions of the full and half size pages of the address book and password log and other pages so that they are easier to read

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Jessica, I’m happy to hear that you like the printables. I can certainly add making those changes to my list, I just can’t promise when I’ll get to them.

  4. hi I am looking for a monthly calendar (2 pages per month) with a Monday – Sunday start – last year I was able to find it and print it myself but I can’t seem to find where to download it – please help – I love your calendars – I am anxious to print 2022 – thank you

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Cherie,

      If you head to the blog page, the post for the 2022 calendars will be right at the top. I hope that helps.

  5. Hi Do you by chance have a moving to do timeline? thanks

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Jennifer, I currently don’t have one, but I’ll be sure to add it to my list of printables to make.

  6. Hello 🙂 ,
    I literally just has quite an epiphany! I’ve spent years looking for, saving, re-naming, moving around…collecting, really…printable resources from hundreds of different blogs/artists/companies/creators. I think I’ve been waiting to get the “perfect” one(s) to motivate me to get my life together…to kick-start me being able to collect my thoughts in an organized way enough to accomplish what I truly need & want.
    I’ve had your resources saved, as well, but I cast them aside. They’ve been “in the wings” like the others. Waiting to be part of the magical pack I someday put together. HOLY COW! It’s soooo weird but SOOO amazing to finally see this about myself!!! I have hundreds of $ of planners on my bookshelves, most un-used or at best somewhat utilized.
    The reason I write today and have been rambling for sooo long …a bit tricky time today at getting to the point… I came across your saved resources again and really read a bunch of the posts. I’ve been realizing lately that I’ve been looking outward instead of at myself to get going. So many of your printables help me organize my ADHD jumbled thoughts! Lol…that was my very, very long winded point. Thank you for sharing them

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Michele, thank you so much for taking the time to share that with me. I know that feeling of wanting to create just the right thing that will help get everything together and make life run smoother. I’m thrilled that something you read hear gave you the spark to make things work for you and I’m beyond happy that you’re finding printables that are helping you organize your thoughts. The ADHD brain can be so quirky (at least mine is) and I know how much even small changes can help or hinder. I hope that you continue to find useful tools here. And if you’re ever looking for something that you’re just not finding, let me know. I can’t promise I can make all requests, but I do like to try.

  7. I love your Cheque Registers. Can you do one in pink? I color code all my home binders and pink would be perfect for one of my binders.

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Jamie! I will add a pink one to my list of printables to make. I don’t know when they’ll get done, but they’ll show up at some point.

  8. Sara Bass says:

    Hello – I’ve printed your calendar pages for many years. Do you have 2024 available yet? I put them in a binder in the kitchen to use as daily help.

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Sara, I’m thrilled that you’ve been using my calendar pages for a while now. The 2024 calendars are coming out really soon – I’m hoping by the 12th of September.

  9. Hi 👋
    Thank you for creating such a useful and welcoming space!
    I absolutely love your Thanksgiving checklist! I think it could be modified to use as a general events/party template too. You could add general seasonal elements like leaves/flowers/snow.

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Heidi, you’re so welcome. I hope you found some printables that will fit your planning needs. I love the idea of turning the Thanksgiving checklist into an all purpose general party planner. I will definitely add that to my list of printables to make. Thank you so much for the suggestion.

  10. Darcy Delaney says:

    I really love your teacher printable that is called the teacher weekly planner. I’m not a teacher but think it would be a great weekly planner. I use the half page planners and was thinking if you could make it a 2 page that added Saturday and Sunday. Thanks for all the wonderful planners I love the colors this year.

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Darcy, thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment and a request. I can certainly add that to the list of planners to make. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to make it, but I will add it to my list. In the meantime, it’s not quite what you’re looking for, but I do have a weekly planner similar to the teacher one with all seven days on it, it’s called the horizontal weekly to-do list. You can find it by typing that into the search bar on my site. The first result is going to be for the black and white version. In that post is a link to the colourful version if it’s something you want to check out. I’m working on my content plans for the new year, so I’ll try to work your request in either before the end of this year or early in 2024.

  11. Melanie Prawitz says:

    Ich bin eine Häkeleule und Schriftstellerin, mich würde ein Planer für Häkelprojekte und einen ich ein Skript entwickeln und aufbauen kann. Ich finde das was du machst richtig klasse. Ich habe viele Planer in der Hinsicht gefunden doch leider nie auf deutsch. Ich habe auch noch weitere Planer gefunden die mich interessieren. Mach bitte weiter so.

    Liebe Grüße Melanie ( Kreativvogel

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hallo Melanie, vielen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, einen Kommentar zu hinterlassen. Bitte entschuldigen Sie etwaige Fehler oder falsche Formulierungen. Ich verwende Google Translate, um mir hier weiterzuhelfen. Ich kann auf jeden Fall einen Häkelplaner zu meiner Liste der anzufertigenden Ausdrucke hinzufügen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich eines auf Deutsch machen kann, aber ich werde es versuchen. Ich weiß nicht, wann ich es schaffen werde, aber es steht auf meiner Liste. Gibt es etwas Bestimmtes, das Sie in einem Häkelplaner suchen?

  12. Any chance of a landscape version of the Teacher Checklist that is at least 31 spaces wide, and fewer spaces tall? I use it to track the habits I’m working on in a given month, and it would be much more intuitive to have the dates across the top and the habits down the left rather than the other way around as I’m currently doing.

    1. ScatteredSquirrel says:

      Hi Lisa, thanks so much for the suggestion. I’ll add monthly habit tracker to my list of printables to make. I’m not sure when I’ll share them on the blog, but if you want, send me an email and I can email you a copy when I get them finished.

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