Five Random Things

Five Random Things

I’ve seen these “Random Things” posts over and over again, and I always think they’re so much fun.  So, I thought I would give it a try.     1.  Fantasy/Sci-Fi is my probably my favorite genre…. for everything!   2.  I have had the book “Simple Abundance” by Sarah ban Breathnach for over 10…

Taking a Day-cation

Hello everyone!  I hope all of you are having a FABULOUS day.  I’m just popping in to let you know that I won’t have a post for you today.  I’m taking the day to just sort of float along; enjoying some time with the hubs before he has to work, puttering around doing whatever strikes…

Fun with Fonts

Fun with Fonts

  I’ve received a few emails from some of you asking what fonts I use, and where you can find them.  So, today I thought I would share with you my favorite fonts, and where I found them. I’m a little addicted to fonts, there are so many fabulous ones out there, and it’s always…