Thank You BC Teachers, for everything you do all year long! |

Thank You BC Teachers

  Happy Friday everyone!  Today I’m switching gears a little bit.  If you live in BC (British Columbia,  Canada) or know someone who does, you’ve probably heard that our teacher’s are currently negotiating a new contract with our Provincial Government, and I would go into that more, but I fear it would turn into a rant…

Sometimes getting started is the hardest part of decluttering. Use this tip to get you started and keep your motivation up. Small steps give us the same rewards as big ones - they just take a little more time.

Where to Start Decluttering?

Happy Wednesday everyone!  We’re halfway through the week, and I am already longing for my Saturday morning sleep in.  We had an extra-long weekend last weekend, as both boys were out of school for the Friday as well as the holiday on Monday. Yesterday I was with Liam during his field trip and now I’m…