HUGE Thank You to GoDaddy!

HUGE Thank You to GoDaddy!

I just wanted to send out a HUGE thank you to the wonderful people at GoDaddy, especially their fabulous support team.  Each and everyone of you are angels! So, why the shout out?  As some of you may have noticed, we’ve been having some technical issues.  Mostly they happened on the back end of things,…

Google Reader Going Away

Have you heard the news? Yesterday, Google announced that they are taking Google Reader away.  You can read their brief announcement here, on their Official Google Reader blog.   To find out what other Google services are being axed during their second spring cleaning, head on over to this post to read more.   What does…

free printable spring cleaning checklist for the brave, the busy and those of us in the middle, from Scattered Squirrel

Spring Cleaning Printables

It’s that time of year again.  The time of year when every where you turn it seems like Spring Cleaning is what everyone is talking about!  I’m still not sure where I stand on Spring Cleaning this year, but I’ve been giving it an awful lot of thought as I’ve been busy making up some…