31 Days to a Clean and Organized Kitchen, October 2013 : ScatteredSquirrel.com

Day 7: Recipe Sections

  Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you all had a great weekend.  I know I had some fun organizing our pantry, and got a little teary eyed when I nixed the craft cupboard to create some much needed small appliance storage.  If you’re just joining us, you can get all up on the previous posts…

31 Days to a Clean and Organized Kitchen, October 2013 : ScatteredSquirrel.com

Day 6: Embrace Change

Happy Sunday!  Can you believe the first weekend of October is almost over?  Craziness.  Where did the time go?  I have a holiday weekend to get ready for, and I haven’t even pulled out my autumn decorations yet!  But I digress.  After the craziness of yesterday I decided to keep today’s post simple.  If you’re…

31 Days to a Clean and Organized Kitchen, October 2013 : ScatteredSquirrel.com

Day 5: Pantry Organization

It’s finally done!  So, yesterday I worried that organizing the pantry and trying to get the post for it done on the same day would be too time consuming.  Well, turns out I wasn’t meant to get this post done on time anyway.  My computer decided it didn’t want me to be able to edit…

31 Days to a Clean and Organized Kitchen, October 2013 : ScatteredSquirrel.com

Day 4: Cleaning Basics

Hi everyone, how are things going with you?  Are you getting ready to dive in and get some serious kitchen organizing happening?  I know I sure am, but I have one more step to take before I plunge in to organized bliss.  If you’re just joining us, you can find the first three posts over…

31 Days to a Clean and Organized Kitchen, October 2013 : ScatteredSquirrel.com

Day 3: Labels

Hi everyone, how are you doing this fine Thursday?  I hope you all are doing well.  If you’re just joining us here, we’re on Day 3, of the 31 days series.  You can check out Day 1 here and Day 2 here.  The quick version is that so far we’ve made our plan of attack…

31 Days to a Clean and Organized Kitchen, October 2013 : ScatteredSquirrel.com

Day 2: Taking Inventory

  How did everyone make out yesterday?  Did anyone else create a plan of attack for organizing their kitchen?  I know a number of you really liked the personalized cover page.  If you put in a request for one yesterday hang on, because as soon as I’m finished here I’ll be getting those sent out…