Reader Request

Hi everyone!  I hope you all are enjoying your week.  I’m super excited about today’s post.  Like over the moon, couldn’t wait for the day to get here, counting down the minutes like it was Christmas morning, excited.  The reason I’m so excited is because this is the beginning of a new feature here on…

Lest We Forget

To all the men and women serving our country, to the ones who have left this life for the next, thank you!  For everything you’ve done, at home and around the world.  For bringing hope to those who may have lost the ability to see it, for being the line between the darkness of oppression and the innocent who…

An Unexpected Message

Today is a Professional Development Day in our school district, so that means no school for the boys, and I had sooo been looking forward to sleeping in just a little, not too much because it is garbage day, and they seem to hit our street first, but a few extra minutes were sounding like…