It’s Family Day!

This year, our province (British Columbia) introduced a new holiday; Family Day!  That’s right, it is a holiday dedicated to families.  How cool is that?  The boys are both home from school, and right now they are hanging out, together!  It helps that I’m allowing them to play video games, ha!  but I totally spaced…

Taking a Day-cation

Hello everyone!  I hope all of you are having a FABULOUS day.  I’m just popping in to let you know that I won’t have a post for you today.  I’m taking the day to just sort of float along; enjoying some time with the hubs before he has to work, puttering around doing whatever strikes…

Fun with Fonts

Fun with Fonts

  I’ve received a few emails from some of you asking what fonts I use, and where you can find them.  So, today I thought I would share with you my favorite fonts, and where I found them. I’m a little addicted to fonts, there are so many fabulous ones out there, and it’s always…

I Love Lists!

I Love Lists!

Well, the title says it all doesn’t it!  I love lists!  I could make lists for my lists… ok, well maybe I don’t go that far, but I do find lists to be one of the best tools for keeping on top of the little things. In my Family Message Center post last month I…

Links Fixed

Ok, well, that didn’t take nearly as long as I thought it would!  All of the printables that have been added since we switched to WordPress (so starting with Peace, Quiet, and Free Printables and going all the way up to yesterdays post, Fun with the Family) have been fixed!  Since that was relatively easy…

Fixing Up the Links

Happy Monday!  I’m gonna just jump right into this one.  Remember how one of my main reasons for the switch to WordPress was to be able to get the printables to you faster, better, and be able to fix any hiccups that happened along the way?  And remember how I was sooooo excited to be…