Fun with Fonts
I’ve received a few emails from some of you asking what fonts I use, and where you can find them. So, today I thought I would share with you my favorite fonts, and where I found them.
I’m a little addicted to fonts, there are so many fabulous ones out there, and it’s always so much fun to play around with them. The ones on the list below are my favorites, and they’re the ones I’ve used on the printables and here on the blog through its various changes. Just click on the name of the ones you like, and you will be taken to where I got it from.

In case you don’t feel like clicking each one, for the most part I find my fonts in two different locations, and . There is only one exception to this rule, and that is the Estrangelo Quenneshrin font, this one came with my OS.
And there you have it, the fonts I use and like the most!
Do you have favorite fonts that you like to use? Do you have a favorite go to site for finding them?