The Printable Libraries and Collections

Let’s face it, life can be hard and it can get busy and chaotic. The right tools can make it easier to navigate those times in addition to helping you maintain the structure and order you need to keep daily life running smoothly.

I believe that printables can be a very valuable tool when we are trying to manage our homes, families, work, and personal life. That’s why I create and share so many printables here on the blog.

With over 1400 printables and counting, keeping them organized and easy to find is a challenge. That’s why I started creating the libraries and then the collections. I want you to be able to find the tools you want and need quickly so you can get to the fun part of printing and using them.

Hopefully the planner collections and curated printable libraries below will help make it easy to find the tools that will fit your needs.

Title image that says Printable Collections and Libraries and shows a collage of images all of planners showing printables available here.

Bookmark this page in Grow or on your browser so that you can visit easily when you need to.

Why There Are So Many Options

The right system, whether it is a personal planner, home management binder, home keeping schedule, or any other system you use to keep your life running smoothly, should work for you, not the other way around.

If you have to work to maintain and are struggling to stay on top of it, then it’s time to think about changing your system.

That’s one of the many reasons why I create and share so many printables here on Scattered Squirrel because I want you to find what works for you.

Truth be told, I’m still looking for what works for me.  It never fails, just when I think I’ve got it all figured out, life changes on me and I need to make more changes.  Which is a good thing for you because it means new and improved printables are coming out on a regular basis.


One of my favourite parts of designing printables to share is making the dated calendars each year. It’s my chance to change things up, play with new colours and fonts, and offer something new. New calendar designs need other planner printables that match.

And this, my friend, is how the collections came to be. Each one started out as a new calendar design and grew from there. In recent years I’ve even started refreshing some of those older designs and filling out their collection with all the new versions of printables that I’ve created over the years.

I’ve included a brief summary of each collection’s design along with a clickable image and button to make hopping over to check them out a breeze. I do hope you enjoy them and come back to let me know which one is your favourite.

Jewel Tone Quarters Collection

This collection was originally designed for the 2021 calendar year and was brought back for 2025. It features simple bold fonts with jewel tone colours. Each quarter of the year is its own colour.

  • Sapphire for January through March
  • Peridot for April through June
  • Amethyst for July though September
  • Garnet for October through December
Title image that says Jewel Tone Quarters Collection and includes a picture of calendar. This image also links back to the Jewel Tone Quarters Collection page.

Each of the planner pages made to match this collection also come in each of the four colours I listed above. You can choose to match the colours to the quarter, or just use the ones you like best.

Summer Garden Collection

When I sat down to design the 2024 planner printable collection all I knew was that I wanted something with some colour. I was leaning towards a rainbow colour palette. The end result was a combination of Victorian inspired fonts and the colours of an English summer garden. Fun but not overpowering.

Title image that says Summer Garden Collection and includes a picture of a yearly planner. This image also links back to the Summer Garden Collection page.

I also opted to use all the colours, or as many as I could, in each planner printable I made to match. The result is pops of colour with earthy tones to ground it all.

Forest Simplicity Collection

Inspiration for this design came to me while I was out for a hike with my dogs. It was winter and I was struck by the beauty of the greens and browns against the snow. The simplicity of it all called to me and I turned it into the design I used for the 2023 calendars.

Title image that says Forest Simplicity Collection and includes a picture of calendar. This image also links back to the Forest Simplicity page.

This is one of my more subtle collection designs, it’s also the most neutral of all of them.

Understated Rainbow Collection

First released in 2016 and then again in 2022, the Understated Rainbow collection is one of the most popular collections on Scattered Squirrel. For this collection I chose a rainbow colour theme, but used each colour on its own rather than all of them together.

  • Deep Lilac for January and July
  • Cobalt for February and August
  • Spring Grass for March and September
  • Blush for April and October
  • Summer Orange for May and November
  • Raspberry for June and December
Title image that says Understated Rainbow Collection and includes a picture of calendar. This image also links back to the Understated Rainbow Collection page.

It was the first time I used a different colours for each month. Which also meant that each planner printable I made to go with it also comes in each of the colours. You match them to the months or choose to just use your favourites.

Tropical Paradise Collection

I first shared the Tropical Paradise collection for the 2019 calendar year. It was my first foray with playing with using a larger colour palette and not using each colour on its own. I remember having a lot of fun designing all the pages for this collection.

Title image that says Tropical Paradise Collection and includes a picture of calendar. This image also links back to the Tropical Paradise Collection page.

The result is a vibrant, fresh, planner design. I still can’t help but smile when I look at the pages in this collection.

There are more collections already here on the blog, they just need to be put on their own page. As I finish each one, I’ll be sure to add them here.


Way back when I first moved my blog over to WordPress (at then end of 2012) I created a few landing pages to help organize the printables better. I referred to them as my printables libraries. I didn’t realize then how many printables I was going to end up sharing here.

All these years later, those original pages continue to be a popular resource for visitors to Scattered Squirrel. More have been added as the need arose. Now there’s a whole collection of printable libraries to help you find the tools you need.

Take a wander through printables libraries by clicking the pictures or the buttons below. I’ve included a brief description of each library so you can get a feel for what you find in it. I hope you find something to help you!

Planner Printables

I called this library Personal Planner Printables back before I knew that personal planner also referred to the size of a planner. When I was naming it I was thinking that the printables I included in it were for personal planning rather than work, school, home management or something else.

Title image that says Planner Printables Library and includes a picture of printable tracker page in a planner. This image also links back to the Planner Printables page.

In this library you will find all the printables you need to create a planning system that will help you structure your time and help you stay on track. Pages like:

  • monthly planners
  • yearly planners
  • weekly planners
  • daily planners
  • additional planner pages that might be helpful

Weekly Planners

In the Weekly Planners library you’ll find a variety of different layouts and designs to choose from. Weekly planners are wonderful for being able to see your whole week at a glance. I always find this helps me make sure I don’t over commit to anything.

Title image that says Weekly Planners Library and includes a picture of weekly planner. This image also links back to the Weekly Planner page.

Some of the different layouts offered include:

  • week on two pages
  • week on one page
  • horizontal orientation
  • vertical orientation
  • weekly overviews
  • weekly to-do lists

Daily Planners

The Daily Planners library is full of different planner pages you can use to plan your day. There are some with scheduled time slots and some that are set up to be just a to-do list. You can use them on their own, or pair with a weekly when you need more detailed plans for each day.

Title image that says Daily Planners Library and includes a picture of daily planner. This image also links back to the Daily Planner page.

Some of the different options you’ll find in this library include:

  • day on a page
  • two pages per day
  • time slots
  • daily to-do lists

Dated Calendars

In the Dated Calendars Library you’ll find all the dated calendars that are currently available. This library is a little different from the rest. The contents in this library get changed out a few times a year.

In April I share the dated academic calendars for the up coming school year. At the beginning of July I remove the dated calendar for the school year that just ended.

In September I share the dated calendar for the upcoming calendar year. At the beginning of January, I remove the calendar from the previous year.

Title image that says Dated Calendars Library and includes a picture of January calendar from 2024. This image also links back to the Dated Calendar page.

The one constant is that in this library you’ll find:

  • the dated calendar for the current calendar year
  • the dated academic calendar for the current year

Time Management

The Time Management library is a great place to check out if you’re looking for a little help figuring out how to make the most of your days. You’ll find a variety of tools in this library to help you prioritize, evaluate, and track your progress.

Title image that says Time Management Library and includes a picture of priorities worksheet in a planner. This image also links back to the Time Management page.

Some of the tools you’ll find in this library include:

  • work sheets to figure out what you need to do each day
  • routine building tools
  • to-do lists
  • trackers

Home Management

Homes have a lot of moving pieces and evolving situations. In the Home Management library, you’ll find a variety of printables to help you manage all the little details of home life. Whether you’re wanting to build a home management binder or just looking for a cleaning list, there’s sure to be something here that will help.

Title image that says Home Management Library and includes a picture of an emergency contact page. This image also links back to the Home Management page.

Some of the printables in this library include:

  • important information
  • cleaning and home maintenance
  • seasonal cleaning
  • meal planning
  • family information
  • budget and finance

Kitchen Binder

A kitchen binder can be a really handy resource to create for your home. In the Kitchen Binder library you’ll find some printables to help you set up a recipe binder, complete with inventories, checklists and so much more.

Title image that says Kitchen Binder Library and includes a picture of divider for a meal planning section in a planner. This image also links back to the Kitchen Binder page.

A few of the printables included in this library are:

  • divider pages
  • meal planners
  • kitchen cleaning
  • labels

Holiday Planning

As a kid, holidays magically happened; as adults, we now know how much planning went into making the most wonderful time of the year – well – wonderful. In the Holiday Planning library you’ll find planning pages to not only help plan the winter holidays but some for other holidays throughout the year as well.

Title image that says Holiday Planning Library and includes a picture of an Easter Egg Hunt planner. This image also links back to the Holiday Planning page.

Some of the holiday printables include:

  • Christmas/Winter holiday planning pages
  • Halloween costume planner
  • Easter Egg hunt planner
  • Thanksgiving Planner
  • BBQ Planners
  • Special holiday themed notes pages

Move Management

Moving can be a lot of work. Aside from the packing and actual moving part, there are so many little details to keep track. The Move Management Library is full of tools and trackers that I use to help make our moves run more smoothly.

Title image that says Move Management Library and includes a picture of moving budget planner. This image also links back to the Move Management page.

In this library you’ll find:

  • packing lists
  • house hunting helper
  • account cancellation and hook up tracker
  • cleaning lists
  • to-do lists

With so many printables here on Scattered Squirrel, and more being added, more libraries will be created. As they’re made I’ll be sure to come back here and add them to the rest.

I hope you enjoyed looking through the collections and libraries. Were you able to find a few printables to fit your needs?

New additions get to added to the libraries fairly regularly, so please come back and visit again.

Before You Go

Have you heard that there’s a Facebook group just for us squirrellies? Come on over and check out the Scatter-Brain’s Guide group. We chat planners, organizing, vote on designs, and, on occasion, I even share exclusive printables that you won’t find anywhere else.

It’s loads of fun and it’s free! Click the button below to check it out.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Until next time –

Happy Printing!!

Please remember that all printables shared here on Scattered Squirrel are for personal use only. If you would like to use them for something else, use the form on my Contact page and I’m sure we can work something out.

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