Home Management Binder - Home Care Section - Title image with only text.

Taking Care of the Home

This has been a strange month.  I’m pretty sure I’ve spent half of it being sick!  Being sick can be dangerous for our home and the organizing tools and systems I have.  Because when I can’t be up doing, I’m down thinking and thinking usually leads to ideas, and not always the best ones.  So,…

Home Management Binger - Important Information section - title image with only text.

HMB: Important Information

This is probably the smallest section of my Home Management Binder.  If you can even call it a section, it’s more like the first two pages.  However, I believe they deserve a post all to themselves. Now, there are many items that could be considered important information.  For myself, important contact information is probably a…

Ribbon hung on a message board to hold notes and reminders.

Family Message Center

A few months ago, I shared how I made some small changes to the coffee counter in our kitchen.  You can see that post here.  In that post I mentioned that having our family drop-zone on the counter made sense there.  I like having our family calendar somewhere that I can see it often.  I…

Home Management Binder Series title, only text.

Home Management Month!

Hi everyone!  I hope this post finds you well and happy.  Can you believe the first week of the new year is almost over?  Time really does fly!  I’m slowly finding my rhythm again after the holidays, how about you?  New years are wonderful things aren’t they?  They’re a fresh start; a great time to…